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Team Name:

Running on Caffeine

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Running on Caffeine

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our product is an app, called HealthHack, that is integrated onto a smartwatch, for example a Fitbit or Apple Watch, that monitors health parameters including heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rates. The user’s medical profile is created in the app as well as being synchronized with their current medical profile (if available) from myGov and Medicare.

The smartwatch app interface is shown in figure 2 below. This interface shows the countdown in red rotating around the circle towards the ambulance icon. Once the red bar reaches the ambulance icon, a message will be sent to emergency services along with the user’s medical profile requesting assistance. In the middle of this circle is a large cancel button, which allows the user to cancel the call if they deem themselves safe. In addition, the user can simply tap the ambulance icon in order to summon an ambulance immediately instead of waiting for the red bar to reach the icon.

There is also a parent app for mobile phones, shown in figure 1, which allows the user to edit their profile, setup a medication schedule & list current medications, a health program, health tips and tricks, and a current health section which will show their health parameter readings, as well as steps taken, calories burned, and similar statistics.

Data Story

Detailed Description of Project -

Response time
Response time is a vital aspect of the ambulance service because in all life threatening situations a matter of minutes can be the difference between life and death.
The QLD government measures response times from the moment the call is answered to the arrival of the 1st ambulance on the scene.

In 2013 the average state wide response time was 16.4 minutes.
In 2015 the average state wide response time jumped to 17.1 minutes.
In 2013 the average response time in capital city was 14.75 minutes.
In 2015 the average response time in the capital city jumped to 16 minutes.

Things that impact response time
- Time between accident and call to the emergency services (unknown)
- Time between call made and answering (10-45 seconds)
- Call length (12.66 seconds)
- Travel time (16.5 minutes)
Why this is important
Millions of Australians have on going health issues; let’s break down the major culprit.
- 4.2 million suffer from cardiovascular disease
- 645 000 were diagnosed with coronary heart disease in 2015
- 472 000 with CHD had heart attacks in 2015
- 207 600 died due heart disease
- CVD was the underlying cause of 29% of ALL deaths in 2015

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Queensland Ambulance Service Code 1 Response Times

Description of Use To see the progression of response times

Data Set

Cardiovascular disease snapshot

Description of Use To see the amount of people with CVD

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Government Services Challenge

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