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HELP your Future

Project Info

Team Name

Sleep Optional

Team Members

Scott , Harry and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description


HELP Your Future!

HELP Your Future is an easy to use platform that aggregates a collection of financial orientated services aimed at assisting young adults and graduates project their financial future. The world doesn’t stop, And neither should your future. HELP Your Future revolutionises the way you plan and manage your fiscal responsibility, unlocking your full potential by providing you all the necessary tools in a single easy to use service.

Identified Issues & Our Solution

Many of the features HELP Your Future provides are not unique and are often the main component offered on other platforms. These components however often have a poor UI/UX, and are only offered as a service. They are difficult to interpret, and regularly are buried behind multiple hyperlinks that can feel like you need a map to navigate to them. Help Your Future aims to resolve these issues by providing an easy to use platform that contains all the information you need displayed in a digestible form right on your dashboard. Careful considerations into maintaining a positive user experience have been made to ensure our platform is the only platform you need.


  • National comparative income assessment
  • Visualise and manage your HECS-HELP debt
  • Estimate time to repay debt
  • Budget recommendations based of your Income
  • Yearly tax estimations
  • Use AR technology to visualise your HECS-HELP debt
  • Customizable Dashboard

Stretch Goals

Due to the nature of hackathons there were many promising features that couldn't be implemented due to time constraints. These Include:
- Using data provided by the national skills commission to provide a quick and easy to use quiz that would assist users in assessing their skillset. Consequently an evaluation on the transferability of those skills could be made to assist with job prospects.
- Correlate HECS-HELP data with average income by career and location to give a more accurate representation of a user's fiscal status

Team Members

  • Anthony Suker | Project Lead & Developer
  • Isaac Gray | Front End Developer
  • Harry Lye | Data Scientist
  • Scott | Customer Implementation Consultant (Young Australian in debt)
  • Dharmit | Designer & Front End Developer
  • Luke McElroy | Data acquisition & retention engineer

#data #careers #finance #hecs #hecs-help #help #economy #planning #financial planning #debt #student debt #ar #budgeting

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Regional Statistics by LGA 2020

Description of Use We used the Regional Statistics by LGA 2020 dataset pulled from the ABS API to gather information about average incomes

Data Set

Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) Dataset

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Create a solution to a customer need using the ABS Data API

We are excited to provide innovators with machine to machine access to ABS Data and see what exciting customer solutions can be created. Here is a chance to draw in ABS Data and answer an important question through visualisation, mapping or even blending with other data sources. Create a solution to a customer need using data drawn from the ABS Data API.

Go to Challenge | 20 teams have entered this challenge.

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Our financial future

How might we use publicly available data to safeguard citizens’ financial future?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.