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Helping Small Business with BizValidator

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Claire Daniel and 5 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

BizValidator makes it easy for businesses to find the information they need through a government portal.

Data Story

BizValidator allows potential business owners to enter the area and type of business they are looking to establish. This information is then fed into the decision support module which evaluates the top three factors important to the success of this type of business.

This system is designed to scale infinitely but key datasets include:

Victorian and NSW Government Public transport stop locations
Liverpool City Council Pedestrian Sensor data.
Australian Government Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Melbourne, Victoria Metro Train Stations

Description of Use Used as a weighted indicator to determine an area's popularity and success.

Data Set

Liverpool Sensor Data

Description of Use BizValidator provides businesses with insight for location decisions. From user research we found that passing foot traffic is of key importance to many businesses, especially seasonal data. This data-set provides detailed temporal data required and has been integrated into the platform.

Data Set

NSW DATA: Train Station Entrance Locations

Description of Use We used this data as part of a rasterised heatmap.

Data Set

New Business Assistance with NEIS data

Description of Use we had problems with realistically using the data: - cannot find success rate with much granularity e.g. could not find the rate of success for people in businesses in the construction industry, within Queensland, who are refugees. Without this, cannot use the success rate to understand who needs to be targeted differently.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Small Business; Big Decisions

Where you choose to open a business plays a big role in whether you succeed or fail in small business. Many business owners make these decisions based on gut-feel or by doing extensive desk-research. How might open data help small business make better decisions?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Improving the customer experience of government services

How can government data be used to improve the experience of citizens interacting with government?

Go to Challenge | 24 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Pedestrian and Air Quality Sensor Data

How might we improve users’ experience of their city by using data from pedestrian and vehicle counters and/or air quality sensors?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping Start-ups and New Small Businesses in Australia

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. What trends in business activity can help encourage self-employment through NEIS? 2. What type of NEIS businesses are being started and are successful (participated in the full 12 months of NEIS Assistance) and what can we learn from broader industry growth areas? 3. How do we encourage self-employment through greater participation in NEIS for cohorts currently underrepresented?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.