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Team Name:

Unlucky 13 - USC

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Evidence of Work

I Did A Science

Project Info

Unlucky 13 - USC thumbnail

Team Name

Unlucky 13 - USC

Team Members

Jack , Tim , Zak , Timothy Chew and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

I did a science is an app that incorporates 2 challenges. The Hidden Gem and Science Tasker. This app has been designed to inform people of what local attractions are within there 5km of there residents. This app would also incorporate science tasker, on peoples walks within the 5km radius of their home. This app would be a game that can be played and gain points while collecting data and information for scientists to continue their research while not being able to leave home.

#phone app #game #gameified map #science #after covid-19 #public participation

Data Story

Property and suburb divisions were used to determine play area boundaries, the rest of the data was used to create areas of interest within play areas for gameplay purposes and to help plot routes of interest between the user's current location and the given test site, by stringing routes between points of interest.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Property Address locations — CSV

Description of Use Used for location of addresses, to help set boundaries.

Data Set

Land Parcel Boundaries

Description of Use Used to figure out housing density.

Data Set

Built features - Queensland series

Description of Use Used to locate built features of interest.

Data Set

Tourist Points - QLD

Description of Use Used to locate misc. sites of interest.

Data Set

Geographic features - Queensland series

Description of Use Used to get locations of interesting geographic features and landmarks.

Data Set

Census of the Queensland Flora 2019

Description of Use Used for location of interesting plants.

Data Set

Transport features - Queensland series

Description of Use Used for road data and public walkways, etc.

Data Set

Fauna Surveys

Description of Use Used to get info for fauna in areas.

Data Set

Suburb Densities: # of properties

Description of Use Used to show property boundaries.

Data Set

Regional boundaries - Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

Description of Use Used to define boundaries for parks.

Data Set

Suburb Boundaries

Description of Use Used to define suburb boundaries

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Science Tasker

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to conduct ongoing scientific research which has been hindered by constraints on travel due to COVID-19

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Find hidden gems within COVID-19 lockdown

The new restrictions on movement in Melbourne have caused increased stress for Victorians. How can we use currently available datasets to show our fellow Australians what is already available for their quality of life within their 5km radius?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.