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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Pranav Karthik , Adarsh , Ayansh Agrawal , Vaibhauv , Sharmila Kumar and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

With the digital age, students often find it hard to form strong bonds in the communities and prefer to engage themselves individually. Team Inspirers seeks to change that.

The iCollaborate community platform is designed to empower students to create their portfolio of work and share it with their network showcasing their academic and extra curricular activities they learned through their student life by engaging in the community

iCollaborate portfolio can be shared with hiring managers and also includes learning and assessments to upskill themselves.

#icollaborate #inspirers #student life #after school #life skills #skills #development

Data Story

Based on our analysis of the datasets,

  • 23% of students completing Year 12 in Victoria have either deferred education, looking for work or apprentice hoping to find a suitable career.

  • 35 Victorian suburbs have more than 10% students looking for work after Year 12

  • 1.3% reduction in students choosing to attend University has between 2016 and 2021 Census nationally.

We propose iCollaborate, a community connection platform for the youth to connect and learning collaboratively. Resulting in improved psychological safety and confidence

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ABS Community Profiles

Description of Use Used for getting insights on education profile of communities

Data Set

ABS Census Dataset

Description of Use We used this data set to get the community profile

Data Set

2021 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations

Description of Use We used this dataset to map the % of school students who chose the various career paths after school to assess and find insights on how they can reconnect with to form stronger networks

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Skills Development - Life after School

How might we connect schools and students with their local community for learning life skills and for post school opportunities?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.