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Data Geeks - Improve SA

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Evidence of Work

Improve SA

Project Info

Team Name

Data Geeks - Improve SA

Team Members

8 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

South Australia a state of a southern central part of Australia and is divided by numerous sets of regional boundaries based on different characteristics. Why this state is good for living is, it is quick travel, everything is 20mins from the city, almost 300 conservation parks, every hikers dream, rich of marine life, cultural diversity and many natural resources. But some of its regions lacking behind in context of population, economy, industries. The government needs to invest in these regions to gain the greatest regional development.

Data Story

So, for the regional development, government needs to consider the factors which are obstructing its regional development.
For the economy of any region first thing that comes is labour force. If the labour force is enough for the region then economy will be better automatically. So, firstly investigate the unemployment. For this time, we are considering only one region, other can be analysed according to this way. According to Regional statistics by LGA, in port Augusta, the Number of working populations is 9304 which are in age group 15 to 64. These can work but in actual only 5168 people are employed. This means the unemployed population in port Augusta is 4136. But according to another table which shows the Labour Force status, the number of unemployed people is 567, which means 3569 people are not in records of unemployment data. So, how can government come to know the real unemployment rate. For this problem our suggestion is government should invest in creation of a portal where unemployed people can enter their qualification details and employment status. So that government can create employment opportunities according to their qualification by building industries related to their profession and interest. This not only will attract the local people but also people from other states or regions who migrated because of no/less jobs here.

Now considering another factor of import rate, South Australia spends the most on import of refined petroleum, passenger motor vehicles and goods vehicles. Because higher the import rate lowers the economy of its regions. These imports are only increasing local production declines in south Australia. Which means these industries are not much developed in here? Although South Australia regions have enough resources and people for building up of these industries, yet it is spending most of its economy on imports. So, our suggestion for this problem is, government should invest in building up of these industries in regional areas of south Australia which will ultimately boost its development and can increase the labour force as well.

Now considering the factor of internal migration, the number of internal departures in port augusta for year 2017 and 2018 is greater than the number of internal arrivals and the internal departure rate is increasing year by year. So, Government should invest in facilities like education, employment, industry and tourism to attract more and more people here.

For identifying the root cause of obstructions in regional development and showcase regions, we have studied the economy of South Australia first. South Australia's economies net worth has been on decline since 2015-16. As regional areas are focus, we have taken port Augusta for our study and identified from Labour force stats that indicates 556 unemployed people with age 15 or over in year 2016.In the same year out of reported data of labour force about 1/3rd were unemployed and were not studying anything. And there were about 5.7 percent persons were earning nil income or about 0.5 percent were with negative income. Also, the gross capital gains reported declined sharply after 2015.It has been deduced that multiple businesses with non-employing or with 1-4 employees has been continued to close, that has decreased the tax collection and stopped the contribution to the regional economy by the residents. Suggesting SA government to focus on pushing reforms to sustain these small businesses that employs local population or are the sole operator businesses. SA government or local council should concentrate on facilitating these local small businesses to sustain and flourish their businesses. So, that they could employ more local people and contribute to the economy through liquidity in local market.

By, working on our methods of data analysis and visualization, the visualization dashboards can be built for every region which will show the areas where the region is lacking behind. And, then by working on those areas, regional development can be boosted.

Also, while analysing data, we found that there is large amount of missing data, which lowers the chances for analysing data correctly. So, the data should be updated time to time in the data sets.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Data Sets for Investing in Regions and Showcasing our regions

Description of Use We have used to identify where we are spending more and where we need to divert the use.

Data Set

Data Sets for Investing in Regions and Showcasing our regions

Description of Use It has been used as the base for economy and to deduce the reasons and causes from other data set for investing regions and showcasing our regions

Data Set

Data Sets for Investing in Regions and Showcasing our regions

Description of Use We have used the dataset to see the trend of economy from last years and to identify the important sections where investment could be done to increase the regional development.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Investing in Regions

How might the Government prioritise its investment in regional South Australia for greatest regional development benefit?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Local Government Information Technology Association of South Australia

How might we identify opportunities for improvement or new Council services, infrastructure and facilities to benefit community outcomes in South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Digital Culture

How do we make our digital cultural heritage collections engaging for online audiences? What experiences should we be developing beyond the search and retrieve box to visualise gallery, library and museum collections online and encourage their reuse and good storytelling?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.