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Information Across Borders

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Themiya , Mayeda , Rose , Shruthi Ghanathey and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way of life in modern Australia. One main noticeable change is the inter and intrastate migration.The population growth in metropolitan cities and the surrounding suburbs is decreasing with many Australians choosing to relocate to the country. This drive is largely attributable to the flexible working arrangements of many workplaces. The lower cost for real estate, lower cost of living, less congestion, and more greener places in regional towns are also likely driving reasons.
With increased net migration to the regions, the local governments should be prepared to cater for the new “suburban” population and be mindful of challenges,. With growth comes opportunities. In our project, we plan to link the services of country victoria with prospective movers. We aim to deliver a central platform where users are able to navigate local information about regional Victoria and obtain a balanced view about their move. This gives opportunities to the local councils to implement strategies to welcome new skilled members to their community in a competitive environment. Its a win-win scenario. With investments in public transport, recycling, health and education the regions can be more attractive to both migrants and councils. By providing this platform, we expect the councils to take a more front seat approach to implement sustainable population growth policies and provide the most complete view of services and environmental impact of migrating to the regions to prospective city dwellers.

#regional australia #sgd11 #sustainable development #inclusion #access #digital government #internal migration

Data Story

We used a range of data sets from open sources to understand the internal migration trends, the driving forces behind these and government resources digitally available to people. To have a detailed understanding we have provided this link

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Description of Use Find out which of the SGDs is linked with regional development and internal migration

Data Set

Local Government Victoria (LGV): Know Your Council

Description of Use Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils

Data Set

Centre for Population Local Government Victoria (LGV): Know Your Council

Description of Use Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils

Data Set

Centre for Population Local Government Victoria (LGV): Know Your Council

Description of Use Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils Accessing profile, performance information, and available services for each of Victoria's 79 councils

Data Set

Centre for Population

Description of Use Understanding the influence of COVID-19 behind recent rapid internal migration from the Metropolitan cities to the regional areas. This also helped us understand the needs of the newly migrated regional population

Data Set

Centre for Population

Description of Use To understand the three main dimensions of internal migration in Australia: Intensity: how many people move Patterns: where people move to and from Composition: who is moving

Data Set

Regional Development Victoria

Description of Use Mapping Victorian regions and councils and borders

Data Set

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Description of Use Understanding internal migration trend in Australia

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Hack for a Circular Economy

In order to build a more sustainable community, how might we redesign, rethink, repair and repurpose spaces, places, materials, and digital infrastructure, systems and policies within cities in order to progress social, natural and economic development?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.