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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

J.A.G (Job And Growth) is a project designed around making sense of employment and higher education data. The project creates a visualisation in the form of an infographic for the viewer based on the selected State\Territory and\or industry.

Data Story

Our project used datasets from government databases to do with population, employment and higher education. Some of the data required some extrapolation and format conversion to enable us to correlate datasets together. In one case, we needed to create a map between the industry codes used in one table to those used in another in order to build the correlation.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Population Data - July 2018

Description of Use This data is being used as a comparison to people in Industry.

Data Set

Employment Projections by Industry - Five Years to May 2022

Description of Use This was uses so we could get a five year projection of what is predicted for 2022 that can be compered to people in industry today.

Data Set

Employment by Industry Data - May 2018

Description of Use This data set was used as a base level of people in each industry across Australia. This data allowed us to mediate, compare and extrapolate information with this and the other data sets available to provide useful information to the user.

Data Set

Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2017 Student data

Description of Use This data set is being used to compare people in industry against the number of people studying higher Education across Australia within different industries.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Unmasking the State / Territory employment data.

How can we unmask the hidden data behind the labour market in our states and territories?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Making open data more open.

How can open data be presented on to make it easier and friendlier to use? Does this mean making it more similar to using standard search engines, like Google, or something else entirely?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

More than apps and maps: help government decide with data

How can we combine data to help government make their big and small decisions? Government makes decisions every day—with long term consequences such as the location of a school, or on a small scale such as the rostering of helpdesk staff.

Go to Challenge | 58 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Commercial Potential

How can we showcase Tasmanian Data, and create something that could go on to be Commercial success.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Most outstanding Tasmanian Benefit

How can we use data to benefit residents of the state.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Is seeing truely believing?

How can we tell a story with visualisations, that speaks the truest representation of our data?

Go to Challenge | 28 teams have entered this challenge.