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Koala Safety Net

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Lance Ganaban , Harry , Kyle , Parfan

Project Description

Global warming has been around for hundreds of years, however due to the introduction of large amounts of carbon emissions due to human intervention, it has become further exacerbated putting Koalas more at risk. In the 2019/20 bushfires in NSW where an estimated 6,382 koalas were killed, representing 15% of the New South Wales koala populations.
For this reason, our team GovHack3d have taken it upon ourselves to develop a solution using our knowledge of data modelling to ensure the safety and survival of Australia's most iconic wildlife.
Koala safety net aims to create an interactive map that can be accessed via website.
The map is to contain:
-location of koalas relative to local bushfire prone areas within Queensland
- as well any highlight major roads that may prevent them from reaching safety
This will provide the government with a tool to help identify where to apply specific solutions such as fauna bridges for access over roadways, easy of locating and relocating Koalas within at-risk locations as well as planning for future bushfire danger. Therefore, allowing for more efficient application of resources and effective mitigation of Koala loss.

#savethekoalas #koalasarepeopletoo #globalwarmingbad

Data Story

The Data used was obtained from Ausmaps, Wildnet Koala Locations and Bushfire Hazard Area Mapping Methodology for Queensland. These were chosen to track Koala populations, paired with bushfire tracking and Major Road works to assist in applying safety measures for Koalas.
However, whilst using this data the challenges we faced, was when using R studio to correlate the data to identify the best areas to apply solutions. In addition, we were unable to locate state-wide annual data of yearly bushfires in Queensland.
Yet from the data we were able to use, it was possible to use data tracks over the major entries over the last 50 years for Koala populations along with Major Road works.
Due to our limited experience and knowledge with the software we were unable to expand the program to fit our desired goal.
Future implementation could incorporate more features such as recommended areas where solutions should be applied as well as use of data for other Wildlife populations.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Baseline roads and tracks - Queensland

Description of Use Identify areas where Koalas are currently at risk and utilise road dataset to identify the areas best fit for additional construction of ecological bridges and other safety measures.

Data Set

Wildnet Koala Locations 2022

Description of Use Clip data to present data regarding the migration of koalas over the past 50 years based on tracking entries.

Data Set

Bushfire prone area - Queensland series

Description of Use Aimed to map bushfire tracking in correlation with koala relocation data over the past 50 years and identify areas where Koalas are currently endangered due to risk of bushfire

Data Set

Challenge Entries


What can we do to ensure the sustainability of Queensland’s natural environment?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.