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Team io

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team io thumbnail

Team Name

Team io

Team Members

James , Peter , Finn , Sam , Joe and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Localé is a tourism based application designed to better connect visitors to local businesses and events in a safe and stress free manner. Localé will also include local area safety and evacuation information to improve community safety. Data generated can be feed back to the council to aid in council and civil defense planning. The end goal of our idea is to have a well designed app with a great user experience, while accomplishing our core concepts well.

Data Story

The problem we found was that visiting tourists and locals need an easy way to get a decent dose of culture and entertainment, while feeling safe and secure in an unfamiliar environment while exploring new areas. We decided to make an app that will help organize events and activities while also providing safety information for civil defense and natural disasters.
Originally we found articles of tourist deaths in New Zealand. Upon learning of these tragedies we decided to find ways to mitigate these deaths while providing a service that will help people have a great experience in New Zealand towns while also supporting local businesses by encouraging people to visit the lesser known ones over big chains.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Waterways Map

Description of Use This map shows river and ocean levels and water safety levels to show tourists where it is safe to swim based on ecoli levels

Data Set

Walking and Biking trails

Description of Use We downloaded this map to help encourage people new to the region to visit our wonderful walking and biking trails to get the best experience of the region

Data Set

Hawkes Bay Tsunami Evacuation Routes

Description of Use We downloaded this map so that users that are new to the area have a quick and easy way to access this data in an emergency.

Data Set

Eventfinda RSS

Description of Use We scraped this rss feed to build a data set of local events so we could show off the event find feature in our application

Data Set

International travel and migration data

Description of Use We used this data as a research point to look at potential app growth curves over time.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best use of data to assist in a Civil Emergency

Best use of data to assist in a Civil Emergency

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Innovate New Zealand

Best innovative hack using Stats NZ data

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Creative Use Of Technology

Best Creative Use Of Technology

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.