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Team Name:

local 4U

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Evidence of Work

local 4U

Project Info

Team Name

local 4U

Team Members

Narayanan , Sara , Viknesh and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

2020 has challenged the human race, the Corona Virus has ripped into the very core of who we are and how we go about our lives. In such times there needs to be great learnings to help make sense of this period and to heal and mend.

Senior members of our community have struggled through this period, “we were not prepared, we did not have supports in place, we did not know what was happening, there were so much news and conflicting information. People were taking actions around us but not allowing us to be in control.” They have felt more isolated, fearful, and left out of our communities because there was nothing in place to tell the community what they needed.

This challenge is about connecting, communicating, and delivering services through the power of conversation and the melding of this into data. Feeling the power of connection through korero.

Local 4U is a tool even a weapon for a regional community, local 4U will give a regional community immediate strength and power to serve its community and act immediately in times of crisis or a pandemic.

It’s a power-packed app that is intuitive, it understands that not everybody loves technology, but everybody needs technology. The app absorbs the information and responds with services or solutions. Regional governments and individuals will administer the app as partners.
Initially, the app will support seniors in regional communities. The app can simply chat with a person to extract the information needed to support the person, like chatting to a best friend.
Local 4U will ask a series of questions to attain the person's demographic details such as their mental and physical health, challenges they may face, their shopping needs, activities they enjoy, their home life and if there is a family member and or carer they would like to have included in emails and any actions that are required to support the senior.
The app will support and act in the event of a personal emergency, regional, or state emergency providing both the person and regional government with details to enable them to take action immediately. A chat platform can also be opened to make sure residents are receiving authentic regular updates and ask the regional government questions.

The app is also critical to the regional government, the individual agrees to have their data used to provide the regional government with analytics about the needs of
the aged community. It supports business cases for funding streams and grants.

The data is also used to determine the community infrastructure requirements and services for its seniors.
Local 4U has a much broader use within the community as a whole. Over time it will be rolled out to all individuals within a regional community, supporting the
the whole community and providing regional governments with the information and tools to be an integral part of the community.

People from the community can use this app as a way to share their experience, talk about their issues with other people in the community or even engage with the regional council authorities and know about the mental health help available in their community.

This tool would break the biggest challenge that the people have which is to identify someone who lives inches away from you who feel the same way as you.

Local 4U team understands the power of Kōrero, hence provides a platform for communities to get together, communicate to one another and get through together during these difficult times.

Data Story

We used the 2018 census data to get the demographic values such as number of people in each regional council by age groups.In addition tothat we used the Capital and Coast District Health Board data to get information on the general practioner's available in each suburbrs in wellingtion.
We also used a variety of datasets that were available from Wellington regional council open data sources. These were used to collection information such as hospitals, medical centers, police stations and emergency hubs by suburbs in the greater wellington region. The application that we designed also collects the data from the users for providing them the necessary assistance.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Wellington open data source

Description of Use Many other datasets from this website was used as a reference

Data Set

Emergency hubs in the wellington region

Description of Use Information about the emergency hubs available in the region is obtained

Data Set

Hospitals in the region

Description of Use This dataset was used to get the hospitals lists available in this region

Data Set

Medical Centers in wellington

Description of Use This dateset is used to know more about the medical centers available in the region

Data Set

Police stations in Wellington region

Description of Use A subset of this dateset is used to identify the help that can be obtained during from the police department the emergency

Data Set

CCDHB GP list and health professionals

Description of Use This dataset was used to identify and locate the GP's and other health professionals in a particular region.

Data Set

Statistical area 1 dataset for 2018 Census – updated March 2020 | Stats NZ

Description of Use Data used to understand the demographics of a region. This helps in understanding more about the community and the high-risk people

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Responding to the next regional, country or world emergency

How can we better respond to the next regional, country or world emergency by leveraging emerging technologies and the plethora of government datasets available?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Caring for the Aged in COVID Times

How can we reimagine the aged care experience

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting through Kōrero

How can we use data so that everyone can feel the power of connection through kōrero?

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Identifying government investment for enhancing community safety

How can governments apply resources so as to proactively address social issues before they escalate and require reactive interventions (e.g. social work, law enforcement etc.)?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Keep it Out, Stamp it Out, Manage it, or Recover from it

How might we create a hack that could help New Zealand Keep It Out, Stamp It Out, Manage It, or Recover From a pandemic?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.