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Big Sunday

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Evidence of Work

locali ☕

Project Info

Big Sunday thumbnail

Team Name

Big Sunday

Team Members

Gen , Ivan , Aaron

Project Description



locali is handy app to connect local businesses and residents, providing a safe and secure way for customers to check in, while also providing crucial data to businesses and the government. locali connects local business and residents, encouraging them to shop, explore and play... 'locali'!

For residents, this is a handy guide to beat boredom, support local businesses, stay safe and connected within their community both during and after COVID. locali also empowers businesses by providing them with a platform to engage with their local community in a COVID-safe way.

We decided that isolation and lock down can feel pretty meaningless - so we wanted to add some gamification through an achievement system. Residents earn badges when they securely check in to destinations via locali.

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Problems we identified

  • Local businesses are suffering during COVID
  • There's no incentive for people to use the COVID safe app
  • Data in this area is being maintained separately by businesses. There is a fragmented approach and it puts additional stress on businesses, who are already having a hard time to stay afloat
  • Residents are unsure about where and how their data is being stored
  • Residents are feeling isolated and are staying indoors more which has an impact on mental and physical health

locali mockup


How locali solves these problems

  • Providing a platform for local businesses to connect directly with customers and offer discounts
  • Creating a gamification and reward system for customers, which incentivize check-ins
  • Taking the burden of data collection off businesses
  • Giving customers and residents confidence that their data is not being exposed to third parties, or other customers (i.e. paper lists with names and phone numbers on a café counter)
  • Offering a fun experience during uncertain times and giving meaning to COVID life

locali mockup
locali gif



  • One-time sign up and verification - this ensures customer details are legitimate
  • Search your suburb to find discounts at local businesses, nearby parks, public art pieces and historic landmarks
  • Badge and achievement system - earn badges when checking in to certain businesses or landmarks
  • Business dashboard - businesses can set their capacity limit based on restrictions, view average time spent in store per customer
  • COVIDSafe knowledge hub with resources for businesses
  • Improved tracking of potential COVID contacts
  • No more paper lists or spreadsheets with personal data stored on them! 😍

locali desktop mockup


Tech used

HTML, SCSS, React, React Bootstrap, Lottie


Additional features & stretch goals

Due to the nature of GovHack, there were many features we thought of and would love to implement, but did not have time for. These include:

  • GPS functionality and map integration to allow users to spot locali businesses and landmarks in their area

  • Extended dashboard functionality allowing businesses to offer discount codes when badges are unlocked

  • Admin dashboard view to enable authorised government employees to view data per business or landmark, including check-in and capacity statistics

  • Suburb reporting features to allow authorised government employees to generate reports to allow for easier identification of severely impacted businesses

  • 'Staycation' or day planner for residents


Team Members

👨‍💻 Aaron Charlton | Full Stack Developer

👨‍🎨 Ivan von Christ | UX/UI & Video Designer

👩‍💻 Genevieve Carter | Team Captain & Front End Developer


That's all, folks!

See you next year ✨

Data Story

locali's goal is to provide an omni-search of all things local. For the this project we chose to amalgamate and normalise all selected datasets, ranging from business discounts to historical sites. We chose datasets that we thought were beneficial to our intended users. To decide on our ideal datasets, we created user stories as a team and thought about the human experience during COVID. Many people have had their holidays cancelled and are feeling discouraged by the restrictions. We utilised 12,000 individual pieces of data sourced from multiple datasets, normalised them to work in harmony with eachother and provide the ultimate staycation - all while staying COVIDSafe!

For more information on how locali uses each specific dataset, refer to the Team DataSets section below

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Park — Locations

Description of Use Ahh… the great outdoors! During lockdown some of us thought we may never see green grass again! locali includes park data from provided by Brisbane City Council in its master data source. This encourages users to visit local parks and find hidden gems in their local area. Did you know that Forest Lake has 78 parks, almost more than double any other suburb in SEQ? 🏞🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Data Set

Business Discount Directory

Description of Use There is no better way to allow local businesses to engage with new and existing customers than using the Business Discount Directory. This data set provides locali with the large proportion of its information. Customers are able to search by suburb for local businesses. Utilising the seniors discount information, locali is able to demonstrate the benefits of using the app to businesses and customers. There is a wide variety of businesses that offer discounts to seniors and concession card holders. How about two free Donut King donuts when you buy any regular hot drink 🍩🍩☕? “Mmmm… Donuts…” – Homer Simpson

Data Set

Public Art Collection

Description of Use Brisbane holds many hidden gems in the form of public art and some of them have become quite iconic. Christopher Trotter is a name you may not be familiar with, however anyone who has walked through the streets of Brisbane CBD would have seen his work. The kangaroos made out of scrap metal, titled City Roos 🦘 are one of Trotter’s most famous works. The kangaroo sculptures have been deliberately placed in a highly used pedestrian area, to demonstrate how humans need to share outdoor spaces with native animals. We’ve added this data set to encourage users to explore Trotter’s 11 other pieces and much more!

Data Set

World War II historic places in Queensland

Description of Use As we explore our local community it is important to remember those who served to protect our great country. Utilising the World War II history places dataset we were able to engage and educate users with the location and information of historic places in Queensland. What may look like any normal undercover recreational area is actually the old Stones Corner Air Raid Shelter, built in 1942 and listed on the Queensland Heritage Register in April 2005.

Data Set

All Abilities Playgrounds

Description of Use The locali team believes everyone deserves to play and unfortunately not all playgrounds are created equally. The All Abilities Playgrounds dataset has been included in the locali master data source. The goal for using this dataset was to augment the Parks data base to provide key attributes. This information allows players of all abilities to experience the outdoors in a safe, playful and inclusive way.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Small Business and Tourism

Small business and the tourism industry need your help to survive! How can we get them back on track?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Pandemic Survival

Help us survive a pandemic!

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Find hidden gems within COVID-19 lockdown

The new restrictions on movement in Melbourne have caused increased stress for Victorians. How can we use currently available datasets to show our fellow Australians what is already available for their quality of life within their 5km radius?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Industry assistance during COVID-19

How can we help identify and assist people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Community growth and recovery

Local economies, particularly the hospitality and tourism sectors, have been hit hard this year with the bushfires and the effects of COVID-19. These challenges have a far reaching impact on our local communities. How might we help communities recover by encouraging people to engage safely with local businesses?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.