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Memo Tas

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Lixin , Xia Wang and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Memo Tas
History edited by all Tasmanians.

There are lots of historical materials in Tasmanian Heritage Dataset. It is a rich resource for historians to study but it is hard for ordinary people who want to generally know about the heritage, such as visitors and new residents, to identify and retrieve the best material.

Memo Tas is inspired by Wikipedia. It is an app, or you can say a platform, that enables all Tasmanians to collaborate to work out the best materials for Tasmania heritages and provide all users with an easier way to explore Tasmania’s rich history. Also, this app will provide tourists with better travel experience, thereby promoting the development of tourism and the economy in Tasmania.

How it works:
We first use the Tasmanian Heritage Registered to locate historic buildings or sites on our real-time map.
Historical materials retrieved by keywords from Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office and Trove (National Library of Australia) are linked to the historical sites. All users can rank the materials or post their own materials and stories to supplement the instruction of the heritage.
The most popular materials then are shown as the recommended instructions to provide all Tasmanians and visitors with a better understanding of the heritage. This will surely benefit residents in our community and visitors from all over the world by providing them vivid and easy accessed Tasmanian history.

#app web application history tasmanians collaboration ranking recommendation residents tourists economy

Data Story

Nowadays, the easiest way of searching a historic site may be glancing over a real-time digital map. For convenient access, we first pin all historic buildings or sites on google map and Tasmanian Heritage Registered contains the information we need.
The foundation of our app is the bunches of written, photo and video materials from datasets provided by Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office and Trove (National Library of Australia). These materials are linked to the relevant interest points and all users can rank their favourite ones or supplement their own materials. The most popular materials and stories will be shown on the first page to build a more vivid and detailed history for all Tasmanians and visitors.


Project Image

Team DataSets

Tasmania Heritage Registered

Description of Use Tasmanian Heritage Data to locate historic buildings or sites on our real-time map.

Data Set

Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office

Description of Use Used to provide historical materials related to heritages.

Data Set

Trove, National Library of Australia

Description of Use Used to provide histroical materials realated to heritages.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Improving government services with open data

How can we improve government services by using open government data?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Use of Tasmanian Heritage Data (GoHack 2020)

How can we use data to showcase Tasmania’s history, people and stories?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Tasmanian Data to create something that could be an economic success?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Use of Tasmanian Spatial Data (GovHack 2020)

How can you use Tasmanian spatial data to improve life for Tasmanian residents or businesses?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.