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Mental Heath Way Point

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Evidence of Work

Mental Heath Way Point

Project Info

Mental Heath Way Point thumbnail

Team Name

Mental Heath Way Point

Team Members

Eden , Ruben Castaing , Tyer , Nisar

Project Description

Mental Health Waypoint gives people the information they need to reach out to get support.

#mentalheath #depression #anxiety #drinking #drugs #reaching out #getting help

Data Story

We chose reaching out as it is an area which is important to many people. There is a lack of easily accessible information that we can collect for a user. Ministry of health data was the most relevant data for this.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use 2019/20 tables

Description of Use For the main table in the Website

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Making Reaching Out Easier

Sometimes when you are down or not feeling 100% mentally, reaching out for help can be a bit daunting and overwhelming. Using open data, how you can make the Support Systems currently available to people more accessible, user friendly, understandable and easy to access.

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.