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Flora Defenders

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Evidence of Work

Moreton Bay Flora Hub

Project Info

Flora Defenders thumbnail

Team Name

Flora Defenders

Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Project Overview: Preserving Plant Biodiversity in the Moreton Bay Region
Our website is dedicated to supporting the conservation of native plants in the Moreton Bay region through technology and community engagement. By combining education, adoption initiatives, and user-friendly tools, we aim to raise awareness about local plant species and empower individuals to play an active role in their protection.

Key Features:
QR Code Integration for Plant Information: Our platform uses QR codes to provide detailed, easily accessible information about native plants. Users can scan QR codes assigned to each plant to instantly view its:

Scientific Name
Ideal Growing Conditions
Care Instructions
Conservation Status
This feature enhances education and encourages users to learn more about the unique flora in their environment.

Adoption Program: The adoption program allows users to subscribe for $10 per month to adopt a plant. This initiative serves as a form of crisis insurance—ensuring that if any plant faces environmental challenges or threats, the funds from subscriptions will be used to provide the necessary support. Adopters receive updates and notifications on the health and status of the plants they’ve adopted, fostering a sense of connection and responsibility.

Plant Information Library: Our website features detailed profiles of various plant species native to the Moreton Bay region. Each profile includes in-depth information on the plant’s characteristics, ideal growing conditions, and its role in the local ecosystem. This section serves as a valuable resource for plant enthusiasts and those interested in local biodiversity.

Our mission is to educate and involve the community in the conservation of native plant species. Through technology and simple actions like adoption, we make it easy for individuals to contribute to the preservation of the Moreton Bay region’s unique plant life.

#flora #fauna #biodiversity #environment

Data Story

Protecting Our Green Heritage: A Data Story
In a world where biodiversity is rapidly declining, our mission to preserve plant life has never been more crucial. At the heart of our website, "Green Guardians," is a rich tapestry of plant data designed to educate, engage, and inspire action. Although we work with a hypothetical dataset, it vividly illustrates the impact of plant conservation on our environment and our daily lives.

Unveiling the Green Treasures
Imagine a dataset brimming with information about the plant species native to the Moreton Bay region. Our dataset includes key details for each plant: scientific name, common name, plant family, description, ideal growing conditions, care instructions, uses, origin, and conservation status. Through this data, users can explore a variety of plant profiles and gain insights into the botanical treasures that surround us.
Corymbia citriodora, commonly known as the Lemon-scented Gum, is highlighted in our dataset with its striking aromatic leaves and ecological importance in providing habitat for local wildlife.
Hibiscus tiliaceus, or the Cottonwood Hibiscus, is featured with details about its beautiful yellow flowers and its role in stabilizing coastal dunes.
Driving Conservation Efforts
Our data not only educates but also motivates action:

Adoption Program: Users can subscribe to our monthly adoption program for $10, contributing to the conservation of endangered plants specific to Moreton Bay. Funds are directed towards habitat restoration and research.
Volunteering and Fundraising: Engage in local events and fundraising activities organized through our platform to raise awareness and support for Moreton Bay’s flora.
Envisioning a Sustainable Future
This data story illustrates how detailed plant information can enhance our connection with Moreton Bay’s unique plant life and inspire proactive conservation efforts. By interacting with our plant profiles and engaging in conservation activities, users play a crucial role in safeguarding the botanical diversity of this remarkable region.

Join us in celebrating and preserving the green heritage of Moreton Bay. Together, we can make a meaningful difference for future generations and ensure the protection of our local flora.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Atlas of Living Australis

Description of Use Purpose: The dataset is used to create detailed profiles for plants found in the Moreton Bay region. Implementation: For each plant, users can access detailed information such as the scientific name, plant family, care instructions, uses, origin, and conservation status. This data is presented through QR code integration, allowing users to scan a plant’s code and view its profile. Application: The data powers the educational aspect of the site, helping visitors learn about the importance of conserving local flora, and is also tied to features like plant adoption and volunteering.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Moreton Bay Greening as We Grow (QLD)

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to help protect our diverse flora and fauna as we grow our region, creating a diverse and flourishing planet for generations to come?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.