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Team Name:

The Outsiders

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

The Outsiders thumbnail

Team Name

The Outsiders

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

This project aims to reduce misconceptions about migrant groups in the age of social media by letting communities tell their stories complemented by facts.

Data Story

Our website provides a platform for fact checkers to provide sound facts in response to stories highlighted by users. Some assertions made in the media about social facts can easily be checked by our fact checkers by constructing a query on the right datasets from trusted sources such as AIHW, data.vic and ABS. We provide a plain English explanation of what the query shows, show a visualisation (chart or graph) where appropriate, and name the data source.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

34170DO001_2016 Understanding Migrant Outcomes - Insights from the Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset, Australia, 2016

Description of Use As part of our project to demonstrate how our My Australia fact-checking website can reference open datasets to shed light on stories, myths or questions about migrant and refugee groups. In response to a story where a user questions whether migrants are ignorant and ill-prepared to be participants in our advanced Australian society, we add a response to the website showing that migrants are on average more educated than the rest of the population in Australia. According to 2016 census data, just less than 65% of respondents born overseas have attained education beyond or instead of high school--either secondary degrees or diplomas or certificates. This compares with about 55% of the entire Australian population, and is largely due to the high level of education in Skilled Migrants. In fact Skilled Migrants have a higher percentage attainment of any post-high school qualification except Cert III&IV. Family Migrants have a significantly higher level of secondary degrees than the general population, and only the remaining categories such as Humanitarian attain lower levels that the Australian average.

Data Set

62270DO001_201705 Education and Work, Australia, May 2017

Description of Use This dataset was used in conjunction with the other ABS dataset. It was needed to create a combined dataset of highest level of education attained for the entire population in Australia. The dataset creates a snapshot for a point in time just after 2016 census.

Data Set

Employment Fund

Description of Use As part of our project to demonstrate how our My Australia fact-checking website can reference open datasets to shed light on stories, myths or questions about migrant and refugee groups. I response to a story where a user questions whether refugees are a drain on our employment services, we extract the refugee vs non refugee case load and expenditure, showing that refugees do comprise a relatively high portion of the case load (about 7.7 percent) and about 5 percent of the expenditure. In fact 89% of the refugees are in the CALD category. We can neither confirm nor debunk the assertion--it depends on what percentage of the budget an assistance program the community is willing to devote to a group that needs special help finding work.

Data Set

Vic Gov Crime Statistics Agency Data tables - Recorded offences

Description of Use Used to show that the misconception of the increase in specific offences (ie A20 Assault and related offences B30 Burglary/Break and enter) in WYNDHAM is incorrect, especially when compared to the MELBOURNE LGA and the BBOROONDARA LGA.

Data Set

AIHW Data tables: Deaths by country/region of birth

Description of Use We did the comparison of the mortality data by country/region of birth to show that immigrates are healthier (lower mortality) than those born is Australia, possibly due to pre-migration health checks.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Unmasking the State / Territory employment data.

How can we unmask the hidden data behind the labour market in our states and territories?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Growing Wyndham

This challenge aims to develop innovative new ideas to help plan for Wyndham as a growing city. Winning entry will be a best concept/product that is useful for the people of Wyndham.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Integrating AIHW

How can we integrate AIHW and other data sources in interesting ways?

Go to Challenge | 28 teams have entered this challenge.

My (Liveable) Victoria

Using the data available on Data Vic and My Victoria, how might well-being be represented and measured in Victoria?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Telling Stories with Data(.Vic)

Accessing any of the datasets on data.vic, this challenge asks participants to extract and tell stories from data. Alternatively how might we facilitate citizens’ own inquiries and investigations via the Victorian Government Open Data Portal?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.

Australians' stories

What meaningful ways can we tell the story about what it's like to be an Australian, and in what ways some Australians live very different lives than others? How can we make people more aware of the issues facing themselves and others as they go through life?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.