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Greatest Hits of of '89 & '91

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MyGov Connect

Project Info

Team Name

Greatest Hits of of '89 & '91

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

An expanded concept of the MyGov platform. MyGov Connect, would promote users to engage in government and local council endorsed services. These services would be provided with an accreditation to inform users of this endorsement. Furthermore, use of these services will users to accrue loyalty points. Which can be either used as a discount for other MyGov Connect supported Services or put into a community points pool. The end receiver of these points are dependent on the user's local area, which service requires most attention and a eligibility criteria set by Centrelink.

The overall aim of this platform is create healthier and more connected communities. This would also provide a final wellness indicator for a particular community. Furthermore, to expand the existing MyGov platform and push government services that are relevant and optimized to the user.

Data Story

The data sets used focus on local council data and their facilities such as libraries and kindergartens. As well, as ATO data sets on Tax Help centers and City of Melbourne data, in regards to support services.

These open data sets are aggregated to provide users a clear picture of the facilities and services available to them.


Team DataSets

Sports and Physical Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia, 2012

Description of Use Provides information to users on the location of Sporting club and their participation rates in their local areas. These clubs could receive loyalty points from users.

Data Set

Carer Payment Payment Trends and Profile

Description of Use Users can be aware of the benefits of Carers and the support received from loyalty points.

Data Set

Maternal and Child Health Service Centres - City of Greater Geelong

Description of Use Maternal and Child Health Centres data available to users that could receive loyalty points.

Data Set

City of Casey Kindergarten Locations

Description of Use Provides information to users on kindergartens in their area that could require support via their Loyalty Points.

Data Set

Download Gov Hack 2018

Description of Use Users can access this data set under the MyGov Connect platform to understand where their donated loyalty points are going to support tax help centers. Which ultimately expands the tax paying population for the overall betterment of all Australians.

Data Set

Distance to legal service providers from disadvantaged suburbs

Description of Use This set would provide data to make an informed decision on where to donate their loyalty points. In this example, more support for legal service providers.

Data Set

DES Outcome Rates by Disability Type

Description of Use With the My Gov Connect platform. This data set would allow users to find employment more readily.

Data Set

Wyndham City Libraries membership by postcode

Description of Use This data would inform of users of the existing number persons that have membership with a Wyndham City Library in their local postcode. Allow them to connect with others in the city via a membership.

Data Set

Wyndham City Libraries - Branch Information

Description of Use This data illustrates that on average Wyndham City libraries open only on average 7 hours a day and has significant floor space. This means for a growing city, it is under utilizing its ability to provide services for its inhabitants. With the uptake of services by Wyndham citizens on MyGov Connect. The data gives citizens the information necessary to add to the libraries' already established list of services.

Data Set

Australia's Health 2018

Description of Use We have used this data set to illustrate to users of MyGov Connect, the importance of health to quality of life. If users, utilize the services and loyalty programs provided by the MyGov Connect platform, it results in them and others not requiring long term dependency on government spending. Specifically, to alleviate health problems. Leading to a higher quality of life.

Data Set

Melbourne Data

Description of Use This data set would be coupled onto the MyGov Connect platform, to allow users to view the range of services endorsed by either the government or local councils.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Integrating AIHW

How can we integrate AIHW and other data sources in interesting ways?

Go to Challenge | 28 teams have entered this challenge.

Growing Wyndham

This challenge aims to develop innovative new ideas to help plan for Wyndham as a growing city. Winning entry will be a best concept/product that is useful for the people of Wyndham.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

My (Liveable) Victoria

Using the data available on Data Vic and My Victoria, how might well-being be represented and measured in Victoria?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.


How can we leverage transformative digital technology concepts (smart cards, mobile apps, NFC) and expand on the concept behind MyGov's centralised Government service architecture to promote self-service capabilities for other commercial organisations?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.