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Team Name:

The Scholars

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Evidence of Work

N-Gage Classrooms

Project Info

The Scholars thumbnail

Team Name

The Scholars

Team Members

Gia , Sree , Pranav Karthik , Sandeep , Adarsh , Vaibhauv , Sharmila Kumar and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

N-Gage Classrooms are a digital companion to Educators, Students, Parents and Educational institutions by creating an engaging and interactive virtual classroom experience and future proofing the education system to embrace change.

Imagine it is 2025 and we are still using traditional learning methods to educate young students who are already leaps ahead in adapting to digital technologies.

We bring you N-Gage classrooms which helps ease the leap towards digital technologies for educational providers and consumers, regardless of scale.

#digital #classrooms #virtual #engaged learning #student #teacher

Data Story

We started researching ABS datasets and identified that there are
* 43 universities
* 59 TAFEs
* 9,542 schools
* 932,526 University students
* 4,006,974 school students and
* 296,516 FTE teaching staff

who are impacted by the transition to online learning, accelerated by COVID-19.

Using the data sets and surveys we analysed, we understand:

  • 34% of teachers say students that they are dissatisfied with the tools available to prepare the transition towards online learning
  • 20% parents in a Queensland survey have expressed dissatisfaction with current remote learning methods
  • 83.6% is the current retention rate in Year 7-12 which is expected to be further impacted by lack of engagement in online classrooms

Converting the Threats into Opportunities, we have created N-Gage Classrooms solution which is specifically designed for educational institutions like universities, schools and TAFEs.

We expect to create highly interactive classrooms where all students are a 100% engaged and accessible to all. N- GAGE classrooms promote self-driven learning and provide recommendations for high engagement (N-GAGE score) for all students, including students with special needs and autism.

This solution will also greatly help International students who are stuck overseas but want to learn in our Universities.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

State school count

Description of Use Analysed the school count data of Queensland

Data Set

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Training Sites

Description of Use Used this data set to analyse the skills for education and employment landscape

Data Set

Australian Skills Classification Dataset

Description of Use We are using Australian Skills Classification Dataset to understand the competencies required for Australian jobs

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Rethinking Education

With COVID-19, we have had to re-think education. How can we provide a better and safer education using digital technologies that complement and enhance on campus experiences?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Health and wellbeing of autistic people during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of people all around the world. Studies suggest that there is likely to be a much greater impact for people with autism spectrum disorder, as the pandemic directly affects social functioning and everyday routines.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.