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Expósito - An Exposé Team

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Project Info

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Team Name

Expósito - An Exposé Team

Team Members

11 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

National Investment and Commerce Initiative or NICI is a modern gateway to connect investors, migrants and tourists to opportunities and services provided by the federal, state, and local government agencies. NICI's AWS based intelligent platform employs mature services such as machine learning, deep learning, speech and language services; while leveraging open datasets from private and government agencies and research institutions. Its intelligent design means it can self-learn to continuously adapt to the changing data and environment to provide the best available information and analysis to individuals in a fast and secure manner. A 360-degree feedback loop ensures NICI is not only able to assist individuals, but also help improve bodies, such as local councils, learn through feedback and improve its products and services.

Data Story

NICI leverages several open datasets (public and private) providing information on economic, demographic, environmental and social factors to assist potential investors, migrants and tourists with decision making. These include datasets such as:
• Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts to understand the potential opportunities for individuals and businesses in relation to viable relocation or investment options;
• Labour Markets Data to explore employment projections, internet job advertisements, labour market data like employment, unemployment, occupation and industry composition;
• ABS datasets such as Housing Affordability and Census data to understand social and demographic facts;
• Environmental datasets such as Water and Weather data to provide environmental insights; and
• Several other public and private data feeds such as LinkedIn, RP data, Traffic Volumes, to further enrich the information and services provided to the individual.

Evidence of Work



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Team DataSets

ABS - Census 2016 - Data Packages

Description of Use This dataset allows automated data extraction of census data from the ABS into a consistent storage area ready for the solution to interrogate.

Data Set

SA3 Region Innovation Data 2009-15

Description of Use Describes innovation indicators by region historically. This information is interpreted by NICI to assist in the provision of recommendations to prospective re-locators, based on their industry and the likelihood of vocational opportunity. This helps develop "Successful innovation precincts" which are "Locally led and based on local competitive strengths, innovation potential and needs".

Data Set

Census data 2016 - Inner Regional SA

Description of Use Used to understand demographic information such as population, cultural diversity, labour force and so on about Inner Regional areas in SA. This is provided to the solution to use relevant information during user interaction, to create personas to help location experts to train NICI to understand what kind of opportunity seekers are needed in their location, and to match opportunity seekers' preferences to location characteristics.

Data Set

DPTI Population Projections

Description of Use Gives NICI population projections to better match users to opportunities at a regional level. identify where opportunities for regional area growth, to encourage investors and workers to move to areas prepared for the population growth

Data Set

Core Logic (RP Data)

Description of Use Real Estate API used to gather information on the property market. This information is used to generate insights into regional property prices, availability, supply and demand. It is also used to assist the understanding of regional, life stage dynamics, to assist the building of vibrant communities.

Data Set

Whyalla Council - Northern Coastline Master Plan

Description of Use This dataset provides plans to improve central areas within the council, helping the solution create recommendations and answer questions relating to upcoming enhancements to infrastructure.

Data Set

Whyalla Council - City Plaza Master Plan

Description of Use This dataset provides plans to improve central areas within the council, helping the solution create recommendations and answer questions relating to upcoming enhancements to infrastructure.

Data Set

Data Dictionary for selected datasets in the Labour Market Information Portal (LMIP)

Description of Use The Labour Market Information Portal (LMIP) hosts a number of datasets that enable GovHack participants to explore employment projections, internet job advertisements, labour market data like employment, unemployment, occupation and industry composition, and jobactive caseload data for regions across Australia.

Data Set

Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) - ABS

Description of Use Boundries of SA1 areas could be used in combination with incidents and statistical population to estimate people affected or likely to be affected by incident. People likely to need to be evacuated etc.

Data Set

Water Supply Reserves - Geoscience Australia

Description of Use Water Supply Reserve - Land reserved to protect water supply catchments. Water Supply Areas to protect from contamination or use to retard fire.

Data Set

Mobile Black Spot Database - Department of Communications and the Arts

Description of Use The Department of Communications and the Arts has received nominations of regional locations with poor or no mobile coverage from members of the public. The database was used by applicants to design their proposals for funding under round 1 of the Mobile Black Spot Programme and is again being used for round 2 of the programme. Cruicial information when communications is necessary. Can be used to bring in additional temporary infrastructure to handle communications for communities during an emergency if included as a data set.

Data Set

Road Bridges and Fords - Geoscience Australia

Description of Use Esri ArcGIS MapSever URL. Road Bridge Point - A structure erected over a depression or obstacle to carry road traffic. Ford Point - A shallow or flat portion of the bed of a watercourse or lake where a crossing may be affected. Locations to protect, but also use when necessary to transport cars\trucks to or from danger

Data Set

Real Time Traffic Delays - Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure - South Australia

Description of Use This web service provides details of traffic delays that are currently active in the metropolitan Adelaide area updated every 30 seconds In an emergency congestion can be critical to avoid for an immediate emergency response vehicle attending an emergency

Data Set

Recent Air Quality - Environment Protection Authority (EPA) - South Australia

Description of Use RSS feed. TThe EPA’s recent air quality data is a RSS feed that includes hourly average pollutant concentrations for ozone (ppm), carbon monoxide (ppm), nitrogen dioxide (ppm), sulfur dioxide (ppm), particles (PM10) (μg/m3), fine particles (PM2.5) (μg/m3) and station index (station air quality index or AQI) for 13 EPA monitoring sites. Used to locate airport infrastructure which is used to indicate where water bombers may land to refill or evacute in an emergency. Used for in national disaster or tracking potential threats to nation. RSS feed updated hourly can track if any toxic chemicals detected in different areas. Have thresh holds for safe ranges but in the event of Chemical bomb, Nuclear particles etc can detect if there is any change in air monitoring and pin point where issues or unsafe areas are.

Data Set

Airport Point Features - Geoscience Australia

Description of Use This Airports (Point features) layer complements the Airport Runway Centrelines and Landing Grounds (Line features) Layer in this web mapping service. 250K Specification Description - Airport Area - The defined area of a facility licensed, certified or registered by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft and associated cargo. Runway Centreline - A line used to indicate the length and orientation of an airport's runway. Used to locate airport infrastructure which is used to indicate where water bombers may land to refill or evacute in an emergency.

Data Set

Contours - Geoscience Australia

Description of Use ArcGIS MapSever URL. The web map service portrays detailed graphic representation of features that appear on the Earth's surface. These features include the relief and physiography themes from the Geoscience Australia 250K Topographic Data. Data is used to associate gradiant with landscape. This is important in predicting where water will flow next, where fire may increae in intsity, but also for people or vehicles to cross terrain.

Data Set

PSMA Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) - Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Description of Use G-NAF is one of the most ubiquitous and powerful spatial datasets. It contains more than 13 million Australian physical address records. The records include geocodes. These are latitude and longitude map coordinates. G-NAF does not contain any names or personal information. Data is used for multipile locations of interest, from petrol stations, police stations through to schools and hospitals.

Data Set

National, state and territory skill shortage information

Description of Use This dataset assists in informing the solution as to which vocational areas are in shortage in SA. This will help provide context into which skillsets and vocational types different areas are searching for.

Data Set

ABS Labour Force Region - SA4 Data

Description of Use Provides historical and current employment information by Industry and Region. Also includes projection information, which can be used to provide recommendations for individuals looking to re-locate.

Data Set

ABS - Jobs for LGA in SA

Description of Use This dataset will help the solution understand the Job market in regional areas, relevant to all skilled workers and migrants. This data also covers jobs by industry.

Data Set

Overseas Arrivals and Departures

Description of Use Providing insight into Australian Migration, to assist in regional understanding of the impacts of state migration, opportunity and growth.

Data Set

ABS - Regional population growth

Description of Use Used to determine places in decline of population growth to try and stymie that trend. Also to not over do the rate of population growth which overwhelms local infrastructure.

Data Set

South Australian Parks – Features and Facilities

Description of Use identify parks which provide a lookup for positive features for people to move closer to for work life balance

Data Set

Australian Digital Inclusion Index

Description of Use Regional SA is quite a distance from metropolitan SA, hence relocating from a densely populated area to a lesser populated area can be quite daunting. This dataset will provide information for the solution on how digitally connected/enabled Regional SA is.

Data Set

Housing Affordability – Demand and Supply by Local Government Area

Description of Use Provides information pertaining to housing affordability, supply and demand regionally. The link contains a list of PDF files, which are downloaded by an automated scraping tool. The PDF's tabular data are interpreted using Amazon Textraction. This information assists in the provision of regional recommendations for potential re-locators.

Data Set

Adelaide CBD Air Quality monitoring station particle data

Description of Use A dataset that NICI uses to assess air quality when making recommendations to users.

Data Set

Whyalla, Walls Street Air Quality monitoring station particle data

Description of Use A dataset that NICI uses to assess air quality when making recommendations to users.

Data Set

Stormwater Network

Description of Use Storm water usage. Ensuring infrastructure exists to support construction growth

Data Set

ABS - Labour Force by state, greater capital city

Description of Use Understanding the changes of labour force of cultural groups in regional area. This provides NICI with context on the kind of jobs and labour force numbers to suit the users' skillset, requirements and potential interests helping to inform skilled workers and migrants. Over time it also allows NICI to assess if its recommendations are making an impact.

Data Set


Description of Use Jetty and port locations, for investor opportunities.

Data Set


Description of Use Identify thoroughfares to and from regions for potential use for investors freight routes or workers commute

Data Set

Traffic Volumes

Description of Use Highlight congested areas, but also time between location to location for calculating benefits of moving to areas with low traffic congestion.

Data Set

Statewide Rail Network

Description of Use Overlaying rail infrastructure with regional centres for potential use by industry, particularly for investors looking for opportunities that relate to or leverage rail infrastructure.

Data Set

Census data 2016 - Outer Regional SA

Description of Use Used to understand demographic information such as population, cultural diversity, labour force and so on about Inner Regional areas in SA. This is provided to the solution to use relevant information during user interaction, to create personas to help location experts to train NICI to understand what kind of opportunity seekers are needed in their location, and to match opportunity seekers' preferences to location characteristics.

Data Set

Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts – June 2019

Description of Use This dataset is used to understand the current and emerging Innovation Precincts within Australia. Specifically, our solution interprets Innovation Precinct information to understand the potential opportunities for individuals and businesses in relation to viable relocation or investment option. The information contained in this dataset is also used by NICI to give further information to users. The relationships between research institutions and businesses are interpreted to provide further insight to individuals at different life stages.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digital Culture

How do we make our digital cultural heritage collections engaging for online audiences? What experiences should we be developing beyond the search and retrieve box to visualise gallery, library and museum collections online and encourage their reuse and good storytelling?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Physical Culture

How might we better integrate our digital collections and datasets into our physical gallery, library, or museum spaces?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Investing in Regions

How might the Government prioritise its investment in regional South Australia for greatest regional development benefit?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Leveraging innovation precincts to drive economic prosperity.

How might we build on interaction between businesses and research institutions in Australian innovation precincts, to boost business capability, growth, and job creation?

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Local Government Information Technology Association of South Australia

How might we identify opportunities for improvement or new Council services, infrastructure and facilities to benefit community outcomes in South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping a social impact ‘start up’ (small organisation) to tell their story

Small and informal community/interest groups who have formed to solve local problems need data to know if their activities are making a difference and to re-design programs. How can we help these groups tell their story through data so they can seek support (political, financial, and on the ground) by showing how their programs are working, and decide where to focus next?

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

Training AI models to deliver better human outcomes

For an outcome create two AI models based on contrasting incentive systems and examine the differing impacts on the defined outcome.

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Australia’s Future Employment

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. How can recent and future changes in the labour market help prepare young people for job opportunities? 2. What can we learn from case studies of regional labour markets? For example, what does rapid change in the industries or occupations within a region tell us about the needs of employers/workers in other regional labour markets

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.