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Team Name:

Always O(n)

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Always O(n)

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our vision is to bring communities closer together by providing a common digital space that community members can use to organise events around public spaces.
When jumping on the notice website, a user can sign up or log into an exisiting account to post new cards, or they can use the map to browse current cards for their selected suburb.
Before creating an event the user will be prompted to confirm that the current suburb is indeed the one they want to create the event for
The user can then create an event by providing a title for their event, and a brief description of the event. A photo can also be included to provide additional context. In the future, users will create local events by clicking on a piece of public infrastructure such as a local park or barbecue.
Users can browse the noticeboard for their suburb and see events made by others or view other cards such as local road closures posted by a council

Data Story

ACT public infrastructure locations, for tagging notices with locations.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Skate Parks

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event from, or post a notice about

Data Set

Town And District Playgrounds

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event from, or post a notice about

Data Set

Fenced Dog Parks

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event from, or create a notice about

Data Set

Fitness Sites

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event, or create a notice about.

Data Set

Public Barbecues in the ACT

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event from

Data Set

Public Furniture in the ACT

Description of Use We use this dataset to create points that the user can select to host an event from, or post a notice about

Data Set

Basketball Courts

Description of Use We have incorporated this dataset into our application by displaying them on our map and using them as points where a user can create an event from.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Healthy Communities Challenge

How might we assist councils to build healthier and stronger communities?

Go to Challenge | 49 teams have entered this challenge.

My Canberra

How do I learn about, and connect with, my city, my suburb or my neighbourhood?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Future Canberra

What does a sustainable, resilient and liveable Canberra look like – and what do we need to do to make that happen?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Healthy Canberra

How do we keep our city, and our people, healthy?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.