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Team Name:

Team MCA

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Team MCA

Team Members

Timothy Chew and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Waste management is a critical problem facing the councils, cities and the entire country. Landfills are getting filled up and there is lot of raising concern about opening up new landfills, especially as China is closing taking up waste. Talk of more non-biodegradable waste (like plastics) and we are just getting started on the topic! With population increasing rapidly and council resident rates going up, the problem is only expected to increase in magnitude.

Governments are thinking hard about this and councils have lot of initiatives to address and educate the community on this critical problem. Is there a way to better manage this using data analytics and technology? Yes!!

The key priorities are:

  • Educate - Collate data across agencies, perform data analytics and machine learning to effectively identify and educate based on demographics
  • Engage - Use gamification and rewards / incentives to engage residents on reducing, segregating and avoiding waste
  • Measure - Dynamically measure waste generation to monitor and reward improved waste management practices from residents

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

ABN Bulk Extract

Description of Use This data will be used correlate commercial companies tax returns and their waste management data to decide on rewards or recognition's for best practices in waste recycling.

Data Set

Waste Management Strategy - Casey Council

Description of Use Identify the best practices and the strategy for waste management planned by Casey council. This paper laid the groundwork to identify the best practices to plan for given the landfill location constraints.

Data Set

Biomass Strategy

Description of Use How to effectively deal with Biomass to ensure the energy produced by the waste is used effectively to run other utilities like power.

Data Set

De-indentified Individual ATO statistic data

Description of Use This data will be used to reward individuals following best waste management practices. The data here will be collated with the waste management data gained from their daily use.

Data Set

ATO Data set

Description of Use This data will be used to correlate the demographic profiles and the diversion rates of the waste produced by specific households.

Data Set

Economic Profile

Description of Use This data will be used to decide the rewards that the council will offer for best waste management practices. The reward will pro-rated based on the income levels of the user/user-groups.

Data Set

Annual Waste Report - Victorian Councils

Description of Use This data will be correlated with the ATO, ABS, Socia Atlas, Population density, Economic profiles to strategize the Education, Engagement, Measurable activities the council can target with specific groups of communities where the waste management is not optimal.

Data Set

Social Atlas

Description of Use he maps are shaded to show where there are concentrations of these communities of interest, which enables planners to accurately assess the demand for the provision of services and facilities to target populations. The thematic maps are created using data from the 2016 and 2011 Censuses of Population and Housing, with an option to view the data for the 2016 year, the 2011 year, or change in number or percentage between the two Censuses. Tables, charts and concise factual commentary are also available from the ‘Analysis’ tab, for each Census year individually (not for the change).

Data Set

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Description of Use True raw source of data for demographics, social atlas, unemployment rates, average weekly earnings per gender, age group etc.

Data Set

Population Forecast

Description of Use Population forecast is taken to analyse the impact of population induced waste will have when there are fewer landfills to accommodate them. Population experts, .id analyse and convert the raw figures from ABS into stories of place to inform council staff, community groups, investors, business, students and the general public.

Data Set

Kerbside Collection Data

Description of Use It enables us to sort by a combination of waste material, council area and year, providing a graphical presentation of location and trends.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Helping the community realise we’re in their corner!

Local Government has lots of data, so how can we utilise the data we have, and the open data out there to tell the story of what we do, how we do it so well, and how this benefits the community, in ways that constituents will receive and understand?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

My (re-cycled) Victoria

How might Victoria lead the way in how Australians recycle their waste through local initiatives that monitor waste outputs and drive initiatives to re-use/re-purpose recyclable materials?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.