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Team Name:

Undefined Behaviour 🔬

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Evidence of Work

Pā sites of Aotearoa

Project Info

Team Name

Undefined Behaviour 🔬

Team Members

Trish , Brett

Project Description

A site that will let you explore some of the many Pā sites from around Aotearoa by seeing them in 3D

#pā sites #3d #aotearoa #lidar

Data Story

Using LiDAR data from LINZ and a list of heritage Pā sites from DOC, 3D models are made for a user to explore.

Current Limitations:
- google has trouble finding these Scenic and Historic Reserve.
- LiDar data isn't available for all of New Zealand. Some district councils have not given their data to LINZ for archiving, so it's not accessible by the public easily.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

LiDAR data from New Zealand

Description of Use The LiDar data point cloud data is used to build 3D models of various Pā sites around the country. was used in this transformation of data

Data Set

collection of Māori sites managed by Doc

Description of Use Used to help find historic Pā sites in Aotearoa

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Thinking Outside the Box

This challenge is about showing your artistic side. Use data to create something artistic which fits into any of the 2020 GovHack Themes

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Day Tripper

How can we encourage visits to your favourite part of our paradise?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.