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Plaque Attack

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Evidence of Work

Plaque Attack

Project Info

Plaque Attack thumbnail

Team Name

Plaque Attack

Team Members

Glyn , Taine , Jasper M-W and 7 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Online resource for school dental awareness and enrollment.

Data Story

The data came from two sources, Education Counts (MoE) website and as a direct extract from the Northland DHB. Two data tables were taken form MoE which provided the locational, descriptive, and student body population for all schools in Northland, while the NDHB provided the counts of students enrolled with a dentist. The data was pulled into an R project, where the summary, merging, and analysis of tables was performed. The resulting table was then converted to JSON where the coding team used AWS Quicksight and JavaScript to do further analysis and visualisation.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Northland DHB Dental Enrolment - 14-18 years

Description of Use Used to find rates and rankings of dental enrolments in Northland.

Data Set

Northland DHB Dental Enrolment - 5-13 years

Description of Use Used to find rates and rankings of dental enrolments in Northland.

Data Set

Northland DHB Dental Enrolment - 5-18 years

Description of Use Used to find rates and rankings of dental enrolments in Northland.

Data Set

School Enrolment

Description of Use We used this to get the total student population by age group.

Data Set


Description of Use Used to get school name, roll and location data to then cross reference with our Northland DHB dataset.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Best Way to Promote Positive Mental Health

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.