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Project Info

PolyVote thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

PolyVote allows people to connect with their local representatives and inform them on the issues that are important to them. It also allows for people to vote and comment on local, state and national issues and also bills that are before the senate and house of representatives. PolyVote is creating a community of people who are interested in the political landscape of this country, and more importantly giving them a voice that has been missing in this very critical process.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Notice Listing

Description of Use From time to time councils present notices in either local and state newspapers. These could be changes to roads, parks etc., We use a manual tool to enter this information in gathered from the west australian newspapers.

Data Set

Electorate Listing

Description of Use We exctract these electorates and store them. We use this to match the name of the electorate to a bill, the postcode of a new user to an electorate and a postcode to local members and their councils.

Data Set

List of WA members of parliament

Description of Use We join this against the council listing and electorates to match bills proposed.

Data Set

List of WA Bills being proposed in state government

Description of Use Just as federal listing, we use a custom scraping tool to grab the bill, member and other details of the state bills.

Data Set

LIsting of Federal Senators and Members

Description of Use We take the names, emails, facebook and electorate details for these senstors and members then join them up against the listing of electorates and federal bills they are assigned to.

Data Set

Listing of Current Federal Bills

Description of Use We extract all the federal bills in parliament and the house of representatives via a custom HTML scraping process. We then push this data to ur DynamoDB database for serving back to our members.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Most Creative Use of WA Data

This challenge is to provide recognition to the team that uses any available Western Australian data set to provide the most ‘creative’ solution to a local or regional issue in Western Australia.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Encouraging participation of WA youth in the broader community

This challenge is to recognise the project that encourages the participation of WA youth in the broader community

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.