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Team LE

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Evidence of Work

Project 1342

Project Info

Team Name

Team LE

Team Members

Marc , Elena , Erika and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

GovHack 2020

To access our final analysis, click here.

Team members:


  1. Industry assistance during COVID-19
    How can we help identify and assist people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Many people have been heavily impacted by COVID-19. These impacts may be more than financial. ATO data may assist in identifying these people for targeted support, financial or otherwise. Identifying all impacted industries is a challenge. How do we know we are providing the full range of support to all people impacted.


Datasets to help us identify people who need assistance:

ATO taxation data (Pre COVID-19 data source on individuals by broad industry)

ABS labour force detailed data (longitudinal data)

ABS Job Counts

ABS 2016 Census (Tablebuilder)

ABS National Accounts - Input Output Tables

DESE May 2020 job seeker data

Other dataset considerations

  • Datasets identifying gaps in official datasets, which can be used to identify other vulnerable groups of people?
  • Datasets with more granular information on smaller sections in broad industries that have been hardest hit?

Datasets to help us identify COVID-19 zones:

NSW COVID-19 location information

Job Loses - SA4


Phase 1: Identify people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Phase 2: Determine how to assist them (i.e. financially)?

#covid19 #industry #ato #abs #labour market

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ABS job losses SA4

Data Set

ABS National Accounts - Input Output Tables

Data Set

ABS 2016 Census (Tablebuilder)

ABS Job Counts

Data Set

ABS labour force detailed data

Data Set

ATO taxation data (Pre COVID-19 data source on individuals by broad industry)

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Industry assistance during COVID-19

How can we help identify and assist people in industries most affected by COVID-19?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.