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Team 1683

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Project 1683

Project Info

Team Name

Team 1683

Team Members


Project Description

Is telling survey participants that their answers will remain anonymous really enough to
elicit truthful responses from participants about sensitive issues?

In this project, we implement protocols to give participants a provably anonymous way to respond
truthfully to such questions without relying on a mere promise of anonymity.

#trust surveys cryptography

Data Story

VCAMS Proportion of young people who have ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs

Drugs are tabboo in Australian Society, even more so when it's among minors. The dataset seems to show that around 10% of minor under the age of 18 are on weed or other illegal drugs, which is quite shocking. In my project, I created a web app that utilises randomised response to protect user anonymity in answering such questions. users can see how this survey technique would worked in each of these Victorian schools under the assumptions that the values in this dataset are the true population parameters. This dataset also illustrates the weakness of randomised response surveys when the event in question are rare and the sample very sizes small.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

VCAMS Proportion of young people who have ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs

Description of Use VCAMS Proportion of young people who have ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs Drugs are tabboo in Australian Society, even more so when it's among minors. The dataset seems to show that around 10% of minor under the age of 18 are on weed or other illegal drugs, which is quite shocking. In my project, I created a web app that utilises randomised response to protect user anonymity in answering such questions. users can see how this survey technique would worked in each of these Victorian schools under the assumptions that the values in this dataset are the true population parameters. This dataset also illustrates the weakness of randomised response surveys when the event in question are rare and the sample very sizes small.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Safeguarding citizens privacy and ownership of their personal data

How might we build telemetry and data insights without compromising citizen privacy?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.

Building Citizen’s Trust in this Digital World

In order to access online services, citizens need to give their consent for their data to be used. How do you gain their trust that their data will be used appropriately?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.