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Team Name:

Byte Me!

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Evidence of Work

Project 342

Project Info

Team Name

Byte Me!

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

  • Bin It App We want to change people's behaviour - get people to put their rubbish IN THE BIN! Using our in-app reward system and coupon rewards from in-app local business sponsors, our App is also to encourage people to dispose of rubbish correctly - recyclable or not. Using the data currently available (which was sparse) for Western Australia, we have designed an App to encourage people to use a bin rather than throw their rubbish on the ground. Our App also collates and records new data regarding the type of rubbish (glass, paper, plastics etc.), where it's disposed of, and whether it's recyclable or not.

Data Story

  1. Researched data around municipal rubbish collection of public places.
  2. Researched data re rubbish not thrown in bins & the environmental impact on flora & fauna.
  3. Designed a database to hold details of bin locations, rubbish types & user profiles; and layered maps depicting bin sites of the Albany, Western Australia.
  4. Designed wireframe of the App using Balsamiq.
  5. Created App graphics & logos.
  6. Compiled, edited and summarised all data in a video presentation.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Clean Up - Rubbish Reports

Data Set

Litter auditing data from South West Queensland Litter Prevention Pilot Project

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Matching Applicants

How could the same business applicant be identified across multiple datasets, and over time? How could we do this in new, or interesting ways?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Most innovative award

This an open challenge to recognise the use of data in an innovative way that was unexpected and challenges the common use of data

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.