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Project Future after major disaster

Project Info

Team Name

Team Visionary

Team Members

1 member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Road to Recovery Public Spaces, build confidence in community to use public spaces to support economic, social, cultural and environmental recovery after major disaster events like Covid -19, Bushfires, Flood. Project for NSW Government Planning, Industry and Environment.

#theme-emergency-management theme-australian-covid19 theme-australian-bushfires theme-australian-floodcovid

Data Story

As per findings, top 5 public spaces people prefers are local parks, local streets, walking tracks, bushland/ national parks and beaches.
Due to stay from home, people are using mostly local public spaces as well as people are health concious as well so that they prefer cycle tracks, swimming, walking tracks.
Invest in Local council - Initial concern to get trust and confidence from people to use public spaces to invest in local government council. Local government council than upgrade/ reconstruct/ added new public spaces like park, new cycling road, develop bush walking path, create new events near to beach.
When people start to use local government areas than day by day they may like to use or think or want to go outside of their boundary. Initial point is to start from your local than go to other suburb, other region, other state.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries


How do we build confidence in the community to use public spaces to support economic, social, cultural and environmental recovery, whether in response to Covid-19, or other disasters such as recent bushfires and floods?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.