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Project Gamba

Project Info

Team Name

Lol Lol

Team Members


Project Description

Gamba grass crowd-controlling
The grass is currently spread in vast areas of NT and other parts . To effectively control the grass, one of the effective ways is for people to report it. We call it crowd controlling (similar to crowd-funding). To apply that solution we will need to find effective ways for common people to identify the grass correctly and then report it. Our solution is to use AI and build that in an app , which people can use to identify and report it. The users will take a picture or real time video and then through Object detection AI , we will infer if it is gamba grass
We have built and trained an AI model using the gamba grass pictures to accurately (or almost accurately) detect the grass.

How to use
Upload an image of gamba grass which you have take by your camera
Click on the inference button to trigger the AI model to detect if there is any gamba graa in there
Please note that due to limited time and resources available , the model is not 100% accurate

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Northern Territory

Data Set

Challenge Entries

How can we beat Gamba Grass?

How can we reduce the risk of fire and damage caused by gamba grass to the natural environment, life, property and infrastructure?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.