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Team PAS

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Project PAS

Project Info

Team Name

Team PAS

Team Members

Gaurav , Vedaanth K Gureja , Dorothy , Rupinder

Project Description

Pricing Public Transport
ACT is facing a loss of public transport patronage where citizens have reduced the use of public transport post-Covid.

High prices during peak hours.
90 minutes single fair constraint that is beneficial for the commuters but disadvantageous for the government.

#monte carlo simulation #public pricing #ai #efficiency

Data Story

Reduction of prices during peak hours.
Increase in fare prices during off-peak hours
Removal of 90 minutes constraint whilst providing a free trip after every 3 trips.

Stage 1 :
For making changes to the fare prices, we used the ACT open data (Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys By Passenger Group) to find out which passenger group uses public transport the most.
We used Public Patronage by hour data(Open data) from the year 2022 to find the busiest hours.

To understand the current model ACT uses and the fairs for each passenger group we referred to

And the proposed solution is based on the analysis done with the help of the data used from the above references.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Pricing public transport

How might we price public transport to balance capacity supply and patronage demand?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.