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4 Stooges

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Evidence of Work

Quick Safe

Project Info

Team Name

4 Stooges

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Quick Safe is an app for local communities to assit them with dealing with bushfires by allowing them to see the fire risk for their area. They will also be able to see where the last resort building's are and have the option of a head count with the people in their area to see if everyone has made it. The app will also alert them if there is an update near them and provide information on what to do. The CFS will be able to see where people are in at risk areas when they are not in a safe location (have downloaded the app).

Data Story

In the data we are using the fire danger ratings on the homescreen of our app which will give the user the fire risk of their location. Bushfire last resorts we have used on the maps which shows the user the closest last resort buildings for them. Using the "Number of Properties by Street and Suburb" data it gives the users a list of the people in their area so when they go to the last resort which they have found on the map they can have a head count to see who still has to come. "Precis forecast" – each State in Australia has the weather data for the day the user is on the app and the future weather which tells them the risk on a fire in the coming days.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Fire Danger Ratings and Total Fire Ban Feed

Description of Use We used this to show the user on the home screen the fire risk for today.

Data Set

Precis forecast – each State in Australia

Description of Use We used this data set to have a weather forecast inside the app to inform the user on the weather and if it is fire weather.

Data Set

Housing SA Housing Register by Selected Areas 2015

Description of Use We used this data set to gather information on the people i each area so when they go to the last resort a head count can be done to see who is missing

Data Set

Number of Properties by Street and Suburb

Description of Use We used this data set to gather information on the people i each area so when they go to the last resort a head count can be done to see who is missing

Data Set

Bushfire Safer Places

Description of Use we used this data to map out the meeting points to inform the community so we can decrease the number of people caught in bushfires in the State of South Australia

Data Set

Bushfire Last Resort Refuges

Description of Use we used this data to map out all the different safe houses in the State of South Australia

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Better Services - Citizens at the Centre

How can we provide better services to South Australian citizens and businesses?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Emergency Planning and Response

How can we better plan and respond to emergencies?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Working Together

How can open government data to improve responsers' situational understanding and ability to plan their response, and share their information between agencies? How can sharing information between agencies be improved by different information presentation, allowing more informed decisions during domestic emergencies or national security events?

Go to Challenge | 20 teams have entered this challenge.

Save Lives With Data

How can we use data and technology to better the health of the Australian population, and what could be the economic impacts?

Go to Challenge | 35 teams have entered this challenge.

Improving Response

Best entry that assists CFS planning for and responding to incidents.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.