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Revive Victoria

Project Info

Revive thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Rose , Shruthi Ghanathey

Project Description

Project Name: Revive Victoria
Team Name: Revive
Team Captain and Members: Rose Tanti, Shruthi Ghanathey
Project Description:
The world is starting to recover after the first Covid 19 outbreaks to a new normal . There are the ongoing issues of climate change and the need to reduce our impact on the environment and now there is a lot more waste from Covid 19 safety procedures.
Shruthi and myself decided there was a need to work on a project to help people recycle as we felt there was a problem with our recycling habits in general and more so now with all the extra waste generated through Covid19 safe guidelines.
Through our project we are encouraging residents to recycle according to their Shires guidelines while giving them some extra options in order to minimise landfill. We are proposing a way for residents to connect to their shire office and encouraging people to connect to places within their Shire and to each other.
Rose loves living in regional Victoria in the Latrobe Shire and she loves to uncover different unique places within her Shire. Shruthi lives in Stonnington Shire, in Melbourne’s inner south-eastern suburbs. She loves being a short distance from the city. At this time Shruthi’s bins have different coloured lids to Rose’s though the plan is for Victoria to have a consistent waste management system by 2030.
For areas with kerbside collection services, households will move to a four-bin system. Each bin will have a colour-coded lid, which will be the same across the state:
• purple for glass
• green for FOGO
• yellow for mixed recyclables
• red for household rubbish.
We have decided to create icons that reflect the colour of the categories using Latrobe’s waste management system as that is closer to Victoria’s planned colour codes.
Rose and Shruthi would like to recycle more, however it needs to be an easy process where they are not spending more on petrol or spending more time to find a recycling place.
We have chosen to go with The Five Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot
as this stresses the importance of composting which is part of Latrobe’s A-Z recycling plan.
To demonstrate our idea we wanted to create a website where users could download a word document that had Shire information on their recycling guidelines, other good websites links for extra recycling options and recommendations from shire residents.
The home page has a replicated the map from Vic Roads Shires open data map, where the user rolls over Latrobe Shire and it is highlighted to indicate that we are starting with Latrobe information.
The A-Z of waste management is currently available on the Latrobe city website as a pdf download from a link on the waste and recycling page.
We recreated it into a resource for residents wanting to improve their recycling habits. We used a word document with hyperlinks on the pages to make it quicker to find an item or website. The icons were added to help with limited reading ability, the table has one column instead of two and Alt text was added for accessibility with screen readers.
The word document is a downloadable resource available on page one of the website. The other pages contain the links that are on the word document: recycling links, ideas for rewards and education, and Covid 19 advice.
Due to time constraints, we have used a Bootstrap template(so the height and width are adjustable) and a form template in Dream Weaver to create the website. The template meant that colours and pictures were set to a certain format.
We have used icons from and have kept an attrition list in case these were to be used for an actual website. We have modified the icons to include the colour of the category the waste item is in. Due to time constraints, we have only partially completed the table with icons and ‘alt ‘ descriptions.
We used this link from the International Covid Challenge. It’s from the EPA website and we used it to provide information about disposal of masks and test kits for the website:
We also used this link from the International Covid Challenge. It’s from the WHO website and we used it to provide information about how to wear a mask safely for the website:
If we had more time we would complete the table and change the static logo to a carousel of images from the Shires of Victoria to make the site more interesting. The form asks for some personal details to keeps the comments genuine. To improve the form we would add ‘php’ for better security.
Time permitting I would have loved the map to more accurately replicate the mechanisms on the Vic Roads Shires map on the website with links to information on all the great Shires. The recommendations would then be Shire based so it would be helpful to enable users to click on their own shire to download a document with more local ideas.
Overall the ideas are that users get a compilation of ideas to help with waste management and recycling, Shires get feedback from residents and can change the mechanism to add different questions on waste management and “not for profit” places get advertising to help increase attendance and funding.

#reducereuserecycle #environment #climateaction #zerowaste #sustainableliving #supportlocal #bethechange

Data Story

Data/information used:
Used information from Victoria Government website on proposed plans for Victorian Waste management plans for up to 2030:
Used images from Stockton recycles for logo:
Used image from Vic Roads open data shire map and modified it to show location of Latrobe shire:(discovered this link had disappeared so I used the Know Your Council link URL: for my dataset instead)
(URL: geometry=129.115%2C-39.442%2C160.712%2C-33.254 -not working any more)
Used information from this Latrobe Shire pdf and modified it to be a downloadable hyperlinked word document with icons and ‘alt’ tags for accessibility on web site:
Modified icon images from Flaticon to add to word document for quicker access to information (kept attrition list):
Looked at this Victorian Government website for possible future upscaling of project:
Used this link from the EPA website to provide information about disposal of masks and test kits for the website:
Used this link from the WHO website about how to wear a mask safely for the website:
Used this link from the website for images on waste management on the slide show:

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Vic Roads open data shire map

Description of Use Used image from Vic Roads open data shire map (I originally had an earlier version)and modified it to show location of Latrobe shire using a rollover on our website.

Data Set

World Health Organisation

Description of Use Used this link from the WHO website about how to wear a mask safely for the website:

Data Set

EPA Victorian website

Description of Use Used this link from the EPA website to provide information about disposal of masks and test kits for the website

Data Set

Sustainability Government Website

Description of Use Used the website for images on waste management on the slide show.

Data Set

Latrobe Shire A-Z waste management guide

Description of Use We used the information from this guide to make text for the table of icons used in the website and as a guide for the coloured edges of the icons.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Managing or repurposing Covid-19 waste

How might we help re-think, repurpose or rehandle present and future Covid-19 waste?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.