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Team Name:

Team UTS MDS Spatial

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Team UTS MDS Spatial

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

A mashup of ABS census data and the ATO occupation data

Data Story

We have built a map that shows you where you can live based on what occupation you have. This can help people make better education and training decisions

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Taxation statistics 2015-16 - Individuals Table 14 -

Description of Use We're finding out how much income each type of job earns to map where that type of worker can live.

Data Set

2016 Census Datapack

Description of Use We're combining income data per SA2 with rent expense per SA2 to make a housing affordability map for the different capital cities.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Making open data more open.

How can open data be presented on to make it easier and friendlier to use? Does this mean making it more similar to using standard search engines, like Google, or something else entirely?

Go to Challenge | 34 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Mix and Mashup

How can we combine the uncombinable?

Go to Challenge | 61 teams have entered this challenge.

Spatial data challenge

How can spatial data be leveraged to provide the best community outcome? How can this mapping data be used to deliver value to the people of NSW?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.