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Gold Coast Hackers

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Evidence of Work

Spend Tracing

Project Info

Team Name

Gold Coast Hackers

Team Members

Narayana Aditya Madineni , Rama Krishna , Siddhartha Ampolu and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Our project aims to trace spend by the Queensland Government and its impact on Industry, small business and communities.

Solution It involves three steps

(1) Normalise datasets - We took 9 out of the available 66 datasets for contracts granted by government agencies to suppliers, combined the datasets, cleaned and normalised them.

(2) Visualise spend - We created three tableau dashboards
a. Spend insights dashboard shows total spend by Government across all agencies, the number of distinct agencies, suppliers, agencies and the corresponding number of suppliers engaged, top agencies by money spent, and top suppliers by contracts granted across Queensland
b. Spend Insights Deepdive dashboard - Shows a circle bubble with all suppliers and agencies and their corresponding total contract values. It also allows to use one agency and look for all suppliers and their corresponding contract values. This helps visualise where the money is being spent and identify opportunities for the next step.
c. Spend insights Drill down dashboard - Once we find a specific agency and supplier from deep dive dashboard, this dashboard allows drilling down to the specifics of what are the exact contracts between the supplier and agency. This will help highlight efficiencies and consider savings.

(3) Recommend Savings/Highlight efficiencies. - Based on the observations from the dashboards, the following can be performed
a. Improve cross-portfolio savings. By tracing spending by agency and supplier, same supplier can be used across portfolios or best practices can be shared to increase savings.
b. Encourage supplier diversity- Based on the findings, Alternative local suppliers or inclusive suppliers (women led or Torrest Islander led suppliers) may be considered for offering contracts
c. Optimise suppliers - Based on the finding, suppliers can be consolidated and volume based savings may be negotiated

#spend tracing #spend insights #spend by agency #top n agencies #top n suppliers #spend by agency and supplier

Data Story

Datasets used

Queensland Rail Contract Disclosure FY2019-2020

GCWA Contract Disclosure 2019-20

Department of Transport and Main Roads Contract Disclosure

QBCC Constract Disclosure 2019-20

Stadiums Queensland Contract Disclosure

Department of Housing and Public Works Contract Disclosure

Queensland Government contracts directory—awarded contracts

Department of QLD State Development DSDMIP Contract Disclosure December 2019

QRIDAContract Disclosure Report 2019-20

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

QRIDA_Contract Disclosure Report 2019-20

Description of Use QRIDA_Contract Disclosure Report 2019-20

Data Set

Department of QLD State Development DSDMIP Contract Disclosure December 2019

Description of Use Department of QLD State Development DSDMIP Contract Disclosure December 2019

Data Set

Department of Housing and Public Works Contract Disclosure

Description of Use Department of Housing and Public Works Contract Disclosure

Data Set

SQ Contracts

Description of Use Stadiums Queensland contracts >$10k

Data Set

Queensland Building and Construction Commission Contracts Disclosure

Description of Use Queensland Building and Construction Commission Contracts Disclosure

Data Set

Department of Transport and Main Roads Contract Disclosure

Description of Use ransport and Main Roads Contract Disclosure

Data Set

GCWA_Contract Disclosure Report 2019-20

Description of Use Gold Coast Waterways Authority Spend

Data Set

Queensland Rail Contract Disclosure FY2019-2020

Description of Use Rail Contract spend

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Identifying government investment for enhancing community safety

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Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Government Spending

What can we learn from government spending data?

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.