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Team Name:

Buzi Top Dogs

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Buzi Top Dogs thumbnail

Team Name

Buzi Top Dogs

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Workplaces and businesses are trending towards online activities, and as a result workplaces and cities will become more geographically distributed across the country and across the globe.
This brings with it a great opportunity for smaller local economies to take advantage of the portability of emerging industries and emerging businesses.
Using local cost of living and quality of living data and indicators, we aim to provide startups with the data needed to plan the ideal location for the physical resources of their online startups. By providing this data, we aim to draw these new and geographically portable businesses to areas that provide the ideal environment for developing a startup business.

Data Story

We have used 3 data sets:
- We have used Labor Market Information Portal data to identify trends in employment and industry by region.
- We have used ATO - Taxation Statistics to identify region based earning statistics.
- We have used New Business Assistance with NEIS data to identify regions with high success rates of NEIS enterprises

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

New Business Assistance with NEIS data

Description of Use We have used this data to identify regions with high success rates of NEIS enterprises

Data Set

ATO - Taxation Statistics

Description of Use Used to identify region based earning statistics

Data Set

Labor Market Information Portal

Description of Use We have used this data to identify trends in employment and industry by region.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Australia’s Future Employment

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. How can recent and future changes in the labour market help prepare young people for job opportunities? 2. What can we learn from case studies of regional labour markets? For example, what does rapid change in the industries or occupations within a region tell us about the needs of employers/workers in other regional labour markets

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping a social impact ‘start up’ (small organisation) to tell their story

Small and informal community/interest groups who have formed to solve local problems need data to know if their activities are making a difference and to re-design programs. How can we help these groups tell their story through data so they can seek support (political, financial, and on the ground) by showing how their programs are working, and decide where to focus next?

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

ATO for individuals

How can ATO and other Australian public data be used to help the community fill employment opportunities?

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Small Business; Big Decisions

Where you choose to open a business plays a big role in whether you succeed or fail in small business. Many business owners make these decisions based on gut-feel or by doing extensive desk-research. How might open data help small business make better decisions?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit

How can we showcase Tasmanian Data, and create something that could go on to be Commercial success?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Open challenge benefits to the greater Launceston community

What is important to you in your community in the Launceston region? What can your technology do to help to make Launceston awesome? This is an open challenge so come up with something creative.

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping Start-ups and New Small Businesses in Australia

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. What trends in business activity can help encourage self-employment through NEIS? 2. What type of NEIS businesses are being started and are successful (participated in the full 12 months of NEIS Assistance) and what can we learn from broader industry growth areas? 3. How do we encourage self-employment through greater participation in NEIS for cohorts currently underrepresented?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.