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Team Name:

The Diazes

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

Sustainable Variable Pricing for Public Transportation in the ACT

Project Info

The Diazes thumbnail

Team Name

The Diazes

Team Members

Manny and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

In this project, we are addressing the challenge of how we might price public transport to balance capacity supply and patronage demand through a tiered approach that considers a base fare and surcharges for distance travelled and time of travel. Our solution requires a unified RTPIS data format that harmonises SIRI data from the buses and GTFS from the light rail.

Data Story

This project will see tiered pricing based on actual public transport utilisation data. In addition, it will involve classic Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process which can be implemented in any platform. Essentially, it is GTFS + SIRI (where SIRI is converted to GTFS) = unified GTFS feed, or alternatively, it can be SIRI + GTFS (where GTFS is converted to SIRI) = unified SIRI feed via RESTful API. The key is the mapping of data from two disparate sources of different formats to a unified specification.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Unified GTFS-R Feed for Transport Canberra

Description of Use Illustrates how the SIRI-to-GTFS mapping and conversion can be done.

Data Set

Canberra Metro Light Rail Transit Feed - Vehicle Updates (Realtime)

Description of Use GTFS-R standard specification.

Data Set

ACT Government NXTBUS Developer's API Reference

Description of Use This is used as reference and baseline to map SIRI data elements with GTFS-R specifications.

Data Set

A Transmodel-based XML schema for the Google Transit Feed Specification - With a GTFS / Transmodel comparison

Description of Use Used as reference material in the GTFS-SIRI mapping exercise.

Data Set

Translation Software: An Alternative to Transit Data Standards

Description of Use Used as reference material in the SIRI-GTFS mapping exercise.

Data Set

Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys By Service - ACT

Description of Use Provides information on utilisation of the public transport network in the ACT useful in determining peak hours.

Data Set

ACT Government Open Data Portal

Description of Use Provides information on available open data in the Australian Capital Territory

Data Set

Geospatial Data Catalogue

Description of Use Provides information on publicly available geospatial data in the ACT

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Pricing public transport

How might we price public transport to balance capacity supply and patronage demand?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.