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TAX Mate

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description


TAX Mate is a solution for both tax residents and the government. For tax residents, the app provides an easy access to the nearest ATO help centres. It optimises the ATO’s resources allocation process and placement of help centres. We design the solution as a result of available open data and Machine Learning algorithms implementation.

TAX Mate Mobile App will facilitate the tax residents’ geolocation and direct them to the nearest ATO help centre. Moreover, they will be able to make an appointment for future visits. The tax residents can also include additional requirements such as preferred language or the purpose of the visit.

ATO Help Centre Management Suite allows ATO personnel to determine the best locations for the next ATO help centres. From the volunteer point of view, the app can optimise volunteer allocation internal processes and the selection of the places that provide the best option to meet tax residents needs. Additionally, machine learning algorithms provide the prediction of the number of offices that will be required by each postcode; therefore, a dashboard module is part of the solution to support the decision-making process.

Finally, TAX Mate is a scalable solution, it collects new data that may be processed in the future to get new decision factors that increase the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms.


The solution provides benefits not only for ATO office but also for Tax residents.
- ATO Office. Optimise the use of resources and financial costs that imply the implementation of Help Centers. It helps to identify customers pressing needs and allow ATO to provide specific help required.
- Tax Residents. Friendly and faster way to get help from ATO

Further recommendations:

  1. TAX Mate could be integrated with Alex ChatBot to gather its information and join it into the machine learning process.
  2. ATO mobile app could be used as a medium for TAX Mate marketing and vice versa, using friendly banners.
  3. The production environment should consider the implementation of security controls to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ATO’s sensitive information, as well as the privacy of tax residents personal information.
  4. In terms of marketing, knowing in anticipation the number and the places that will be used as Help Centre, ATO could implement marketing strategies to promote the use of the service, which is reinforced by customers requests.
  5. TAX Mate is a system that will start to gather considerable data from the tax residents; in the near future, ATO could implement artificial intelligence to provide automated answers to the most common answers through ATO mobile app, Alex ChatBot, and TAX Mate. As a result, the need for future volunteers will be decreased.
  6. The information gathered is not only useful to answer common questions but also may be used by the ATO internal departments to automate processes, update people-profile-risk maps, and track the flow of the processes. This information can be integrated with existing ATO artificial intelligence, providing a deeper insight into taxpayer behavior patterns.

Data Story


Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Family and Income data from Department for Education of the Government of South Australia

Description of Use Merge the family and income data by suburb data to create more insightful results about how many help centres needed.

Data Set

SA Community data

Description of Use The latitude and longitude from public facilities for postcode 5000 is used to produce place markers with the Google Map API.

Data Set

ATO GovHack 2018 data

Description of Use This is the data to use for machine learning.

Data Set

Dataset showing postcode, shape, and boundary of South Australia

Description of Use With further manipulation, we can get the latitude and longitude of the locations.

Data Set

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