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Team Name:

Noosa Power

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Evidence of Work

The Power Spot

Project Info

Noosa Power thumbnail

Team Name

Noosa Power

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The Power Spot provides a simple way to visualise how much of our energy is coming from renewable sources,
how much renewable energy we are storing in the grid and using later, also,
how much energy we are sharing with our neighbours, and how much energy is coming from non renewable sources.

With onsite renewable energy generation and the ability to purchase accredited green energy, we all have the power to take control of our energy bills.

It allows us to see our community, state and national contribution and progress towards our goals.
The power spot inspires individuals to be part of the solution - the future is bright.

Data Story

We used combined government data with individual monitoring & smart meter data, e.g. solaredge, wattwatchers, Ausgrid Average Electricity usage, Hobarts Electricity use by TasNetworks, Energex Data to Share, AEMO Electricity Data Model Report, and other data sources:

Photo credits

Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash
Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash
Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash
Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash
Photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash
Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash



Video credits: ABC News In-depth ABC News (Australia) Nordea Sustainable Finance ABC News (Australia) Guardian News CNET

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Queensland Spatial Catalogue - QSpatial

Description of Use Potential for solar potential to show users how beneficial solar is in their area.

Data Set

Ausgrid Average electricity use

Description of Use Electricity data around Sydney

Data Set

Solar home electricity data

Description of Use A bit old and only includes consumption, not export

Data Set

Representative Australian Electricity Feeders with load and solar generation profiles

Description of Use No access to source data, so could not use

Data Set

Electricity grids and modelling

Description of Use Interesting data link headings, but not really accessible

Data Set

Australian Energy Update 2018

Description of Use Used to show the state based usage of renewable energy (Australian Energy Update 2018 data for charts (XLSX 240KB) 2.8

Data Set

Hobart electricity use and generation by postcode source data provided by TasNetworks

Description of Use Used to create the power spots for Hobart

Data Set

Postcode data for small-scale solar installations

Description of Use Combined with the import/export data for electricity, this gives the complete view of solar spots for each postcode

Data Set

Solar for Tasmania’s Future

Description of Use Highlights many of the points about renewable energy that our project is addressing.

Data Set

Energy in Tasmania report

Description of Use Used to lookup the total installed solar capacity

Data Set

Actual Daily Operational Demand

Description of Use Combined with rooftop solar data to produce the power spot.

Data Set

Actual Rooftop Solar Production

Description of Use Data is split between states and subregions and can be combined with Actual Operational Demand to showcase the Power Spot for the different state regions.

Data Set

AEMO Electricity Data Model Report - METERDATA_AGGREGATE_READS

Description of Use Daily updated import & export data for electricity across all individual NMI (meters) and aggregated in substations & transformers.

Data Set

State and non-state school details

Description of Use Highlighting schools as the leaders in educating children and through them their parents. The data from the solar schools program can be added to these sites.

Data Set

Point climate data from 1889 to yesterday

Description of Use Solar radiation is used to highlight the potential for solar to generate electricity.

Data Set

Landmark areas - Queensland

Description of Use These major attractions and public locations need to lead by displaying their energy usage. They can be cross referenced with data from Energex & Ergon.

Data Set

Property address Queensland -Text data package

Description of Use Used to mock up additional personal data for the Noosa Power Spot

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Telling Stories with Open Data

In recent years, data story telling has emerged as a powerful and engaging form of communication. Using any data that you can find on data.vic tell us an interesting story in the form of a feature article or video report.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Go to Challenge | 32 teams have entered this challenge.

Thrive or survive: how can we adapt for the future?

What will Australia in 2050 look like?

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Economy and Jobs

How can we create more jobs and grow the Queensland economy?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Queensland OpenAPI

Create a project using one or more of Queensland's Open-API’s

Go to Challenge | 39 teams have entered this challenge.

Environment and Science Data

How might we use environment and science data to better engage with the community?

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

Highlighting the regional living advantages over metropolitan capitals.

Enabling people to choose the most suitable regional centre for a sea or tree change.

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Climate Change Issues in Hobart

What local climate change issues can you help solve or identify by integrating data sources?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.