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Team 515

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Thriving Tasmania

Project Info

Team 515 thumbnail

Team Name

Team 515

Team Members

4 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

• One of the key reasons for the last year bushfire was climate change. It had caused damages to the natural environment, tourism areas and commercial activities. If such events happen more frequently, it will be catastrophic to Tasmanian natural assets. Therefore, it is vital to promote a sustainable society, protecting natural resources and saving this beautiful island for future generations.

• Government cultivates the wellbeing of its population and people can be shared by the value of sustainability and climate emergency. Currently, there is no integrated mobile application for the biodiversity in Tasmania. In addition, people spend more time on their phones, rather than reading books. Therefore, instead of printing more books, delivering biodiversity awareness via a mobile app is likely to reach a large number of audiences. People can learn the features and development of Tasmanian native plants, trees, animals and landforms at the comfort of their beds, or while they are going out to the natural environment.

• The Thriving Tasmania app creates awareness in the local biodiversity of Tasmania through the past and present conditions and forecast its future, such as species extinction rate and geological fluctuations due to climate change, population expansion and urbanisation by using integrated data sources. We belive that if people understand nature, they will act more responsively.

• Students & teachers
• Academics
• Residents
• Tourists
• Local farmers and the agriculture sector

Some main features are:
• ID information for individual trees, animals, land formations (including water bodies). The ID information will specifically highlight how climate change affects the object of that ID page. At the end of every ID information page, there will be a link to ‘conservation note’
• Conservation note will explain how climate change is affecting the object in the ID information page. This will help raise awareness about the impact of climate change in local species.
• Timeline of a region that shows how the allocation of trees or animals change over time or how land formations establish and transform over time. To use the timeline, swipe left to see how that region was life in the past; swipe right to see how the region is predicted to change (should be up to 10 years). At any given point in the timeline, some basic climate information is provided such as total rainfall, the highest and lowest temperature in the period. If the timeline is for a type of tree in a region, at any point in time, the timeline will show if this tree is extinct at that time, same with the animals.
• Future estimation: The future period is predicted by combining spatial data from BoM such as air temperature, rainfall, wind, sunshine hours, solar exposure, cloud cover, evaporation and relative humidity; and biological/physical/chemical data of trees, animals and land formations in that area.
• Library: The app contains comprehensive lists of biodiversity data from wildlife researches such as the Atlas of Living Australia and Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.

Additional features:
• Weather notification and hazard warning: the app will draw data from the Bureau of Meteorology to notify the users if weather is suitable for outdoor adventures. It can also warn the areas that are blocked by landslide or flood so users do not wander to those areas. Moreover, live data from BoM will also alert the users about sudden changes in the weather so they can make preparation.
• Story: Users can take photos of trees, animals and landforms and pin it to a specific location. They can add a description or ‘story’ about the photo and share on social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Once a pin is made, other users can also see it from their mobile device. This can attract other users to go to that pin and see if they can find what is in the photo.

There are 4 ways to use the app:
1) Image recognition – you take a photo of a tree, animal, river or land formation. The app compares the photo with data from national parks and other wildlife agencies to identify what is in the photo.
The app then shows you all the ID information of what you have taken:
• example – if you take a photo of a tree: the app shows botanical information, wild ancestors, in some cases – how to grow one.
• to see how the allocation of that type of tree change overtime => tap on the link to the timeline page of that tree in that region.

2) Location search – pick a region on the map. The app would then show a drop-down box and ask you to choose from 3 categories: plants – animals – land formations. Once you select the category, the app will show the timeline of that category in that region over time. In the timeline, there will be a link to the ID formation page.

3) Nearby search – choose the nearby option on the starting screen, the app will use GPS to scan the area within 100 metres from you and show the list of trees, animals and landforms that can be seen within that area. You choose the object you want to learn more about and the app will lead you to the ID information page.

4) Dictionary search: on the starting page, choose trees, animals or landforms, the app will open the full list of all species or types of the chosen category. For instance, if you choose the tree category, the app will show all different kind of trees in that region. Similar to the nearby search, you then choose the specific type of tree you want to know about and it will lead you to the ID information page.

• By using the app, users are encouraged to go outdoor and enjoy nature. This promotes a healthy lifestyle, hence, less burden on the local health system.
• The app can be used for educational purpose. For example, students can use image recognition to identify their surrounding environment during a field trip => a more interactive way to learn biology.
• If for any reason, an image taken by a user contains a species that is supposed to be extinct, the app can alert local experts the location of the image to bring that species into conservational areas.
• By sharing stories and photos on social media, the app will share ID information of the trees or animals in the photos as well. This benefits people who do not know or use the app as they can also learn from the social media posts
• By educating people about nature, and the effect of global warming and climate change, the app encourages changes in people behaviours. They will be more socially aware and carefully consider the consequences of their actions on the environment. Some examples are purchasing less single-use plastic bags/cutlery/bottles; Donating to charities with environmental causes; recycling more and limiting energy consumption.
• The app uses live data from the Bureau of Meteorology, hence, it can detect if there are sudden changes in the elements that pose danger to any species (by comparison with species' biological characteristics). Experts will be alerted to take actions if necessary.

Data Story

How Does It Work?
• The Thriving Tasmania app has the most comprehensive lists of significant trees, unique plants, wildlife animals, land formations and water bodies in Tasmania and they are presented in a user-friendly mobile application.

• It is a convenient platform for presenting the significant trees information (location, coverage, status) and the wild animals feature through a map. Showing a timeline map to forecast the weather and review the past data to estimate the climate impact, such as the rate of extinction.

• There are four ways to use the app by image recognition, location search, nearby search, dictionary search. The app will show all the ID information, for instance, botanical information, wild ancestors and conservative guide.

Increasing Engagement
• Users will be raised their awareness of the natural environment and freeing the spirit to connect with the land. The app can be linked with social media such as Instagram and Facebook to increase engagement. Self-involvement will be enhanced by taking photos along walking in the national parks. They will get the road trip suggestion with the weather forecast notification from the app.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)

Description of Use Use the species names & taxonomic search interface for the bio ID of the app.

Data Set

Threatened Species Link

Description of Use Refer the management and conservation advice on Tasmania's threatened species for the conservative guideline for the app.

Data Set

Australian Individual Tree Biomass Library

Description of Use This data sets can be one of the indicators to locate significant trees in the Tasmania region, such as sort out the big and tall trees (species) in the urban area and national park with safe pathway. This can attract app user to visit and even take a picture to promote those attraction.

Data Set

Annual State-wide Spotlight Surveys Tasmania 2018/2019

Description of Use This information would be displayed on the map of the app, for instances, wombat and its number can be found in the Maria Island or their foot path. Thus, this can attract app user to visit those national park. On the other hand, the number of raw counts can also shown on the map to describe the decreasing trend into of some species through the time line function. App user could aware the issues of Tasmania ecosystem and the protection in wildlife.

Data Set

Australian water landscape

Description of Use Information from the water landscape will feed into the app to predict changes in water bodies.

Data Set

Significant tree point in Hobart area

Description of Use This data sets can provide a list of significant trees in Hobart area and we could put this data to locate the spot of those trees. This can attract app user to visit and even take a picture to promote those attraction.

Data Set

Threatened Species Kit

Description of Use This information provides a glance of the species which are classed as vulnerable, endangered, extinct or rare. They can be used in the description of the biodiversity page.

Data Set

Leaf area index (LAI) and Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation

Description of Use This data set describes the ecosystem in Tasmania. The leaf coverage area is a good evidence to shows the preferred measure of cover for vegetation and as a key variable used in total biomass estimation. Thus, this can arise the app users to notice the coverage in the Tasmania.

Data Set


Description of Use The Biodiversity app will have a 'Story feature' which is similar to what the NatonalMap has. People who use the app can share 'Stories' of what they discover in any particular region. The photos can then be shared on social media (Facebook, Instagram). It could be a rare specie of trees or animal or a special type of land/rock formation. This can attract other people to go and find what is in the photos. 'Story' data from the NationalMap will also feed into the app.

Data Set

Parks & Wildlife Service

Description of Use This website provides information on the plants and unique animals to be found in Tasmania. They can be used in the description page for the biodiversity of the app.

Data Set

Tasmanian Platypus Conservation Guidelines

Description of Use Tasmanian platypuses are increasingly vulnerable to the degradation of suitable water bodies from poor land management practices and water extraction for irrigation and domestic usage. Climate change may also accelerate habitat loss for platypuses and contribute to habitat degradation processes associated with poor land use practices. These data can be used for conservation guideline of the app.

Data Set

Water Flood Zones

Description of Use Hobart, Newtown and Sandy Bay are the three areas that are most vulnerable to flood. Hence, using this data set, the app can estimate the change in land forms in these areas due to flooding.

Data Set

Fire History

Description of Use The app will use the Fire History to show how green areas was affected in the past - this is shown in the app timeline. Moreover, data from Fire History can also be used to predict fire prone areas, allowing us to estimate trees growth rates => animal growth rates.

Data Set

Conservation assessment of beach nesting and migratory shorebirds in Tasmania

Description of Use This report contains listed and migratory species. Tasmania's coastal fauna includes significant populations of birds which are dependant on the beach and dunes for breeding and the littoral zones, mudflats and estuaries for feeding and roosting. These data can be used for introduction of the present conditions.

Data Set

Wildlife Health in Tasmania - Disease Information

Description of Use Wildlife diseases of significance are increasing in number in Tasmania in recent times, and some have the potential to significantly impact biodiversity. These data can be used for the present and future application.

Data Set

Tasmania LISTmap

Description of Use The app uses the LISTmap to show past and current land forms, water bodies and green areas in Tasmania. It will act as a base for other features in the app. As the LISTmap gets updates, the data will feed into the timelines in the app to illustrates how features in a particular region change over time.

Data Set

Climate Data Online

Description of Use Data from this site will feed into the app to estimate the growth rate of trees in any given region. In addition, we can predict the growth rate of herbivores and omnivores that feed on trees and plants in that area. Number of carnivores can also be estimated from the growth rate of herbivores. We also use this data to notify users about the current weather and potential hazards.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Climate Change Issues in Hobart

What local climate change issues can you help solve or identify by integrating data sources?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Use of Tasmanian Spatial Data

How can you use a Tasmanian spatial data to improve Tasmanian residents lives on a daily basis?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.