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Travel at Home

Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Lixin and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

With the trend of COVID-19, the tourism industry in Tasmania has been severely affected, and with the travel ban went effect in March, there are few visitors who are allowed to enter Tasmania. Compared with previous years, it is easy to notice that the volume of visitors and the money they spend is lower.

Based on this situation, it is necessary to rescue Tasmania’s tourism industry. What we are proposing here is a project named ‘Travel at Home’, which is based on VR videos of each tourism site, google maps and a series of online websites, try to offer people the same traveling experience at home. There are two benefits to this. The first one is safety. When traveling online at home, there is no need to worry about the COVID-19 at all, if compared with a traditional physical visit. For the other one, it will make a big advantage over other states. With the promotion of online advertisements, it will attract more people’s attention. And all the websites can sell souvenirs. All the souvenirs can be delivered to online visitors if they ordered via online portal. Besides, all the websites can be updated with main functions added if the COVID-19 eased in the future. With a low cost, the websites can be the ones that help the visitors to book a travel service including accommodation and tickets, etc. and people can pay it online or at the site counter.

#covid-19 #travel at home #online #promotion #shopping #visit

Data Story

  1. Domestic freight by transport mode: Description of Use: People use our project could travel at home, also can shop at home.Then it helps to transport the product.

  2. Open Street Map - Tasmania: Description of Use: We use the street map to find the tourism sites.

  3. Trove, National Library of Australia: Description of Use: Used to provide histroical materials realated to heritages.

  4. Tasmania Heritage Registered: Description of Use: Tasmanian Heritage Data to locate historic buildings or sites on our real-time map.

  5. Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office: Description of Use: Used to provide historical materials related to heritages.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Domestic freight by transport mode

Description of Use People use our project could travel at home, also can shop at home.Then it helps to transport the product.

Data Set

Open Street Map - Tasmania:

Description of Use We use the street map to find the tourism sites.

Data Set

Trove, National Library of Australia

Description of Use Used to provide histroical materials realated to heritages.

Data Set

Tasmania Heritage Registered

Description of Use Tasmanian Heritage Data to locate historic buildings or sites on our real-time map.

Data Set

Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office

Description of Use Used to provide historical materials related to heritages.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best Use of Tasmanian Heritage Data (GoHack 2020)

How can we use data to showcase Tasmania’s history, people and stories?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Tasmanian Data to create something that could be an economic success?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Open challenge to benefit the greater Launceston community

How can your idea benefit the community of Launceston? This is an open challenge so come up with something creative.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Economic recovery, jobs and livelihoods in SA

Supply chains are the entire process of producing a good or service, from sourcing raw materials to distributing the final product to market. How can we contribute to SA's economic resilience by focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by disruptions to supply chains?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.