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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Lachlan Etherton

Project Description

Australians reside in the most liveable cities throughout the world with enviable surroundings. We have the opportunity to walk outside into captivating and picturesque environments, with an abondance of hidden gems to be discovered.

The greatest of adventures are those not planned. They allow us to escape our comfort zone and see the world through a different perspective, enabling us to discover our environment in addition to ourselves.

For many people, their neighbourhoods are perceived as monotonous landscapes filled with little more than houses, streets and footpaths. Combined with people’s repetitive lifestyles, we often do not have the opportunity to appreciate the surroundings of the places where we live, work and play.

Trekstep combines historical locations, landmarks and points of interest sourced from government datasets into a timed expedition within a user’s local area. Users are provided with a colour indicated arrow directing them towards the location and to signify proximity to the site. Users must find their own way to the location, recording their experience through a timestamped video journal at waypoints. This activity is repeated until all waypoints have been travelled to. At the conclusion of the expedition, the video journal, the route and completion time taken to all landmarks is published onto a social platform for others to see.

Trekstep creates a competitive and social platform for people to experience their surrounding environment, history, flora and fauna. The world is at your doorstep. Go find it.

#adventure #travel #competition #timed #checkpoint #waypoint #journal #discovery #local #nature #history #landmarks #arts #plants #expedition #life #living #liveability #trees #birds #flora #fauna #trek #step #trekstep #steptrek #fitness #activity #economic #covid-19 #outside #outdoors

Data Story

By sourcing landmark locations from numerous government datasets, people are taken to locations of historical and environmental significance, enabling them to develop a greater appreciation of their surrounding environment, flora and fauna.

FAIR Principles
• Findable: All datasets are sourced from and and can be found via the search box on the data portals with ease. There was great difficulty in finding datasets containing flora sites of significant value, hence many of the datasets used are of heritage locations.
• Access: As the data does not require live and regular updates, access to the datasets was achieved via direct download.
• Interoperable: All datasets for Trekstep are location-based and use the GEOJSON file format. Importing, processing and uploading of these datasets can be achieved easily. The datasets are not standardised, requiring manual identification for what each column is representative of. Interoperability dictated what datasets were able to be used. A number of location-based datasets published to government data portals are of varying formats (CSV, HTML, etc.) which created significant difficultly when trying to process and visualise the data for suitability.
• Reusable: All user rights and licences can be found within the information page of each dataset. All locations within the datasets could be processed with minimal data loss. Exclusions have been made on sites deemed as sensitive, on private property or no longer in existence.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Interactive Science Trail

Description of Use Signage of educational value that may be visited as a waypoint by users of the application.

Data Set

Silo Art Trail (Points)

Description of Use Artworks located on silos that will be used as waypoints. Most likely to be visited if the expedition area is to be expanded over a much greater area (post COVID-19).

Data Set

City of Yarra significant trees

Description of Use Flora of significance used as waypoints within the application that users may visit.

Data Set

SA History Hub

Description of Use Historical places and things used as waypoints that may be travelled to by user. Some information about sites may be shown to the user.

Data Set

Recreation Trails

Description of Use Trails that the application may direct users to follow to reach a waypoint throughout use of the application.

Data Set

SA Heritage Places

Description of Use Heritage listed sites in South Australia used as waypoints within the application that users may visit. Some information may be shown to the user.

Data Set

Roadside Significant Sites

Description of Use Sites of heritage and vegetation significance that will be waypoints within the application that users may visit if in their expedition range.

Data Set

Historic Places in Playford (LGA)

Description of Use Historical sites used as waypoints within the application that users may travel to. Some information about sites may be presented to the user.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Find hidden gems within COVID-19 lockdown

The new restrictions on movement in Melbourne have caused increased stress for Victorians. How can we use currently available datasets to show our fellow Australians what is already available for their quality of life within their 5km radius?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Community growth and recovery

Local economies, particularly the hospitality and tourism sectors, have been hit hard this year with the bushfires and the effects of COVID-19. These challenges have a far reaching impact on our local communities. How might we help communities recover by encouraging people to engage safely with local businesses?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.