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To The Moon

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Evidence of Work

Unitywater Water usage reduction

Project Info

To The Moon thumbnail

Team Name

To The Moon

Team Members

Linda Castree , Flynn , Batish Yadav , Luis

Project Description

H2ONotify is an app created for Unity Water to mitigate the negative effects of steep water bills caused by water leaks and excessive usage. A distraught customer response and water wastage cannot be good for company morale, nor sustainability. This application benefits Unity Water staff by reducing the number of irate or distressed customers. It benefits the customer by providing an option for users to receive an alert to their phone - a “Threshold Limit Notification”, to reduce the impact of unseen water leaks or excessive customer water usage. This two-fold benefit to the customer safeguards them against a nasty shock at bill time in the event of an unseen leak or water overuse. The third benefit is of course to environmental sustainability - more resources to protect against fire and preserve habitats for our native wildlife, and for a greener planet generally.

GovHack Edit
Evidence of work URL updated due to access issues, content same while timestamps updated.

Data Story

Unitywater’s data set represents a revolution in personal water management with live daily water usage totals. This live data allows Unitywater to quickly identify water leakage whilst minimising nuisance water usage alerts by pausing and altering their alerts for events like visiting family that will affect their bill. The Unitywater data set was used to determine the customers average daily water consumption. Allowing customers to manage their water use will lead to minimised environmental footprint and financial commitments. With data from the Moreton Bay Datahub, the boundary map of the Unitywater region can be ascertained to identify the geographical footprint and allow us to help users connect directly to local tradespeople to fix their water leaks promptly.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Evidence folder

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digitising your drinking water

Clean water is an essential service for our communities and has been identified as the ‘Blue Gold’ for the next generation. How might data be harnessed to influence people to reduce water consumption? How might monitoring and tracking water usage now help protect this valuable resource for future generations?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.