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Team Name:

Charlotte's Web

Team Members:

Evidence of Work

Upstream and Downstream

Project Info

Charlotte's Web thumbnail

Team Name

Charlotte's Web

Team Members

Charlotte , Brendan and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Upstream and Downstream is the story of making waterway, environmental and planning data more accessible to communities who live upstream and downstream of development, so that they are empowered to have a say on behalf of the future residents of those places before key decisions that affect waterways are made. The example provided is for Merri Creek, but this same logic applies to urban growth areas across the rest of Melbourne.

#waterways #iwm #planning #merri creek

Data Story

The range of government data sources available gave us the idea of using them to create a way for communities to provide input into key planning decisions that impact on waterways before they are finalised. Currently, community does not get enough input early in the process, especially in new suburbs where there are no residents yet, which can lead to mistakes being made or economic considerations taking precedence over social and environmental issues.

Dataset we used for the map is this one:

Some of the many others we could use are these ones, but the list is a lot longer than this:

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets


Description of Use Used to create a map

Data Set

Challenge Entries

The cost of water

How can we use data to achieve an equitable way of distributing the costs of providing clean water to residents?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Managing Our Water Resources

Can water data help us understand and better manage our water resources and environment?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Water information without borders

How do we better bring together information about our water systems across states borders?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.