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Vault TAS

Project Info

INTER-TAS thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Chandan , Stephanie Chow

Project Description

Vault Tas is an app produced by Inter-Tas. This app can provide opportunities to tourism and local business. Tasmania is a state that rich in history, there are historical sites nearly everywhere around Tasmania. People can miss a lot of stuff while on their trip to Tasmania. This is where our app comes into play, this app will use the user’s location and inform them if there’s any heritage site near them by using heritage data stored in datasets. This will be a great help to the tourists as well as government to promote tourism across Tasmania. QR codes can be set across Tasmania near all historic sites in Tasmania through which Tasmanian history can be viewed using advanced phones AR technology or VR as well if you really want to immerse yourselves into the history of Tasmania. People can also take pictures in the AR environment (such as historical buildings, etc.) , this will make tourism very enjoyable while visiting and engage. All Tasmanian important events such as Dark Mofo can also be viewed using this app in AR and VR. It will create excitement among people in joining the event whenever it occurs.Scanning these QR codes will store all historical information in the app’s database of the user which user can use to study more about Tasmania history. Historians will have great benefit using this app. Moreover, this app will also support rewards system by using which users will be able to get discounts at historic sites salamanca market, Port Arthur, local restaurants etc. This will help in promoting Tasmania across Tourists which will increase commercial businesses revenue as well.

#history #app #rewards #photography #vr #ar #videography #collaborations #events #local #businesses

Data Story

Tasmanian Heritage Register can provide the required to locate historical or heritage buildings.This will hence help in setting up the QR codes near all such locations and increase tourism by giving reward points.

Trove, National Library of Australia contains historical pictures, videos and information about various places. This information can then be stored in QR codes through which data can be viewed in form of AR and VR format in phones or headsets.

LIST transportation data This data can be used to keep track of transportation system across Tasmania. In our we want to make people's tour easier and simple so, by using this data we can even add transportation information in our app.

Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office can provide the required to locate historical or heritage buildings.This will hence help in setting up the QR codes near all such locations and increase tourism by giving reward points.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

LAND Tasmania Aerial Photographic images

Description of Use This will be used to creating AR and VR images, videos for the Vault TAS app.

Data Set

LIST Transport Nodes

Description of Use This data can be used to keep track of transportation system across Tasmania. In our we want to make people's tour easier and simple so, by using this data we can even add transportation information in our app.

Data Set

Tasmania Town Atlas

Description of Use It contains the information about Tasmanian towns which is highly beneficial for Vault Tas to find oput information about local heritage places

Data Set

Library of historical data

Description of Use Going to be used in the app as a historical data medium from which data such as pictures,videos, important information can be extracted.

Data Set

Heritage data

Description of Use Going to be used in building a historical app supporting both AR and VR technology to view the history of Tasmania in its glory.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Best Use of Tasmanian Heritage Data (GoHack 2020)

How can we use data to showcase Tasmania’s history, people and stories?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit (GovHack 2020)

How can we use Tasmanian Data to create something that could be an economic success?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Use of Tasmanian Spatial Data (GovHack 2020)

How can you use Tasmanian spatial data to improve life for Tasmanian residents or businesses?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.