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Water Watchers

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Evidence of Work

Water Watch

Project Info

Water Watchers thumbnail

Team Name

Water Watchers

Team Members

Ryan , Jackson and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

A proposition for an app that displays open water meter data and compares it to the users usage

#unitywater #water #application

Data Story

The unitywater datasets were taken, and had the total daily measurements filtered. The maximum and minimum were found for each day and each unique water meter. The min was then subtracted from the max to find the daily water consumption for each water meter, for each day, for both months (June and July) spreadsheets

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Digital water meter data June 2022

Description of Use Organised into Total measurement(Pulse_Total), subtracted min from max for each day and each unique water meter

Data Set

Digital water meter data July 2022

Description of Use Organised into Total measurement(Pulse_Total), subtracted min from max for each day and each unique water meter

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Digitising your drinking water

Clean water is an essential service for our communities and has been identified as the ‘Blue Gold’ for the next generation. How might data be harnessed to influence people to reduce water consumption? How might monitoring and tracking water usage now help protect this valuable resource for future generations?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.