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Team Name:

WeCare Tech

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

WeCare Tech thumbnail

Team Name

WeCare Tech

Team Members

Quan Tang , Zile Zhou , Zhiben Chen and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Older people, accounting for a large proportion of Australian population, are more susceptible to getting sick with COVID-19, and cause higher fatality rate once getting infected compared to youngers. Therefore, providing older people with special protection and care will contribute to the infection control, overall social stability and further development.

Utilizing the available open data and processing data virtualization, we aim to design the solution to mitigate infected information limitation specially faced by older people because they are unfamiliar with digital devise application, optimize medical resources and volunteer allocation, and prioritize the old people’s medical need.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

At risk populations: age distribution

Description of Use This page shows the location distribution of the aged.

Data Set

Coronavirus Australia map: tracking new cases, Covid-19 stats and live data by state

Description of Use This page tell us the death rate.

Data Set

COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex

Description of Use This graph shows the number of COVID-19 deaths for males and females by age group since 22 January 2020.

Data Set

Hospital Resources 2018-19 Tables

Description of Use This data set provide us the available beds in hospitals.

Data Set

Population Estimates by Age and Sex, Summary Statistics (ASGS 2016), 2013 and 2018

Description of Use We use the data set to get the proportion of residents older than 65.

Data Set

Number of COVID-19 cases in Australia August 6, 2020, by age and gender

Description of Use With the dataset, we could briefly know the number of COVID-19 cases.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Caring for the Aged in COVID Times

How can we reimagine the aged care experience

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.