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Go Airlinking!

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Go Airlinking!

Team Members

Mark and 7 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

By using the Liquor & Gaming license data, we develop a platform to provide customers with latest business information , enhance user experience , give solution to age identification,  help Liquor stores and casinos restart quickly under a COVID-19 safety plan.
1. Functions
(1) Nearby stores to me
by using the liquor and gaming license data, we develop a platform to provide customers with latest business information. Customers can easily know where the nearby stores are.
(2) real time monitoring
we develop a capacity management system which shows the real-time number of people in venues. If it reaches the capacity limits, red light on and the system will recommend a liquor store or casino with green light nearby as an alternative. This allows the stores to comply with the covid-19 restrictions and at the same time helps to meet customer needs.
(3) Products selling
It’s also an online store platform. liquor stores are able to sell their products online.
(4) Promotion
Plenty of business were shut down during the covid-19 pandemic. Weekends will help bottle shops and casinos restart quickly under a safety plan.
2. Better communication with customers
Each store has its own homepage. Customers can easily get access to business information such as the upcoming events and manage their bookings and event registrations to make sure that all available spots are taken.
3. Digitalized promotion
Everyone can create a live stream via our app,which will allow users to access information of the events. We build a community for alcohol lovers to share their feelings and at the same time to help business grow via the help of live stream selling.
And in the other way, selling of those products will also provide job opportunities in delivery.
API Git Repo:
Web Git Repo:
data link first:
data link second:

#safedrink #connection #meeting #grouping #covid19 #friends #safety #smallbusinesses #sme

Data Story

This project used two datasets:
Premise licence and coordinate:
Drink name and brand:
We firstly transmitted these data into our Postgres database, and processed it into two data models-premises and drinks. And we randomly allocated drinks to each premise. In commercial situation premises will be able to editor their own collection of drink.
In the API part, people can search premises via different attributes, such as coordination, drink name, search radius, and gaming allowance.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets


Data Set

Premises list

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Using Liquor & Gaming data to provide information to customers

How can Liquor & Gaming NSW data be used to provide information to customers?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.