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Wheels of change

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Wheels of change

Project Info

Wheels of change thumbnail

Team Name

Wheels of change

Team Members

Darshan , Ivan and 3 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The central Idea is a system for waste to be properly separated (by incentives) by business in the Adelaide City with an intention to later include regional.
Businesses in Adelaide City need to be educated on how to keep it clean of contaminants. They need to be incentivized to deposit waste in the correct ways to help the environment. We believe that if there is a central location with Smart Bins within a walking distance of their business, with a rewards program as an incentive; can be an effective solution. This waste can then be recycled / clean green waste can be dried and processed for biomass etc.

#cityofadelaide organicwaste garbage wheelsofchange

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Evidence of Work


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Team DataSets

Resource Recovery Strategy

Data Set

Location map

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Re-imagining recycling for businesses in the City of Adelaide

How do we identify the best locations to implement a zero avoidable waste approach for businesses? How do we maximise the use of these locations so businesses feel empowered to waste less and recycle more?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.