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Team Name:

Digital Poets

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

Digital Poets

Team Members

Trish , Brett and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Dissecting parliamentary speeches into poetry

Data Story

Speeches are published from the house are directed to from them sound bytes and keywords are taken to form poems. Images are selected from archive NZ to match the style of the poem.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Members of Parliament

Description of Use This is a source of politicians, this datasets led us to which contained speechers and the Hansard of debates in parliament.

Data Set

Digital New Zealand

Description of Use This site is used to not only find relevant or stimulating images but also links that go through to the news articles about about climate change put out but the government and others.

Data Set

The New Zealand Parliament website

Description of Use The speeches and questions you see live on Parliament TV are all available as video on demand on the

Data Set

Digital New Zealand

Description of Use This is a collection of images to go with the poems as well as another source of text for form poems based on news paper stories of the time.

Data Set is the best place to find Government initiatives, policies and Ministerial information.

Description of Use is the place to find Government initiatives, policies and Ministerial information. Speeches are published here and from them sound bytes and keywords are taken to form poems.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Most Artistic use of data (outside the box)

Most Artistic use of data (outside the box)

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Combating the Climate Emergency

Best hack to combat the climate emergency.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.