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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

senthill , Bharath Kumar , Karthick

Project Description

Point Cook has been one of the fastest growing suburbs in Australia, but has limited bus coverage. This is similar case across multiple areas in Wyndham and other growth areas across Victoria. PTV revises bus routes and introduces new routes on a regular basis, but the coverage of bus routes for new estates and the frequency of buses is inadequate and has not been revised frequently. This project proposes a pilot On-demand Flexi Public Transport Solution for areas/routes with poor bus coverage within Wyndham , whereby members of public can avail membership based "On-Demand", Flexi Public Transport services in Wyndham.

Considering challenges with bus connectivity for growth areas like Point Cook, there is priority support required from PTV. This “WynBus” projects supports PTV with required data to support their business case for new routes. This also can be considered as a pilot project by PTV which can be progressively introduced in new growth areas by PTV to test new routes before actual route changes. Till PTV bus routes are in place, this project helps the local community to work together as a team and support the public to use public transport and reduce dependency on cars and station car parks.

Data Story

Point Cook has been one of the fastest growing in Australia with 250% population increase in the period 2006-2016, witha further increase of 15.4% (8,151 people) in the past 2 years. Population is expected to increase further by~30% in the next 21 years.

Due to lack of local jobs, approximately 62% of the workers work outside of Wyndham area.

Considering the high population growth and lack of local jobs and poor road infrastructure, public transport is an important keyinreducing traffic congestion. However, the public transport access is currently inadequate and is failing to keep up with the growth here in the growth areas of Wyndham which includes Point Cook.

The number of people using cars for transport has increased by 12000 which compares with the additional 6000 people who are using trains in 5 years (2011-2016), which again highlights the lack of public transport. Note: Williams landing was opened on April 28, 2013.

The coverage of bus routes for new estates has not kept up with our growth with reviews of service provision not keeping up with the demand. The routes were last updated in August 2017 and due for revision in Dec’2018 according to an update in from PTV website.

Economically disadvantaged People/ Senior Citizens/School Kids/Youth with less access/no access to cars are forced to walk for miles/spend hours waiting for connecting buses/trains to reach to key spots within Wyndham from Point Cook
• No directbus access from Point Cook to Aqua pulse/Encore Centre or the Eagle stadium for participating in swimming classes and indoor sport activities
• No direct bus access to the regional shopping centre of Pacific Werribee and our local cinema.
• Our bus routes are to train station dependent. You cannot get to the Point Cook Town centre from Sanctuary Lakes without 2 buses and a short walk.
• Frequency of buses is very poor and does not align with the school times so that parents are heavily dependent on driving them to school.
As a result of this, a family travelling to Aqua Pulse from Point Cook or a young student working part-time in Pacific Werribee might have to spend ~1.5hrs -2 hrs. one way in public transport instead of 15-20 minutes in car.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Hackerspace Data sets

Description of Use Hackerspace Data sets

Data Set

ABS stats

Description of Use Wyndham household stats

Data Set

ID.COM Wydham transport

Description of Use Public Transport access

Data Set

ID.COM Population

Data Set

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